Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Highest Motive for Holiness

The LORD shall establish thee an holy people unto himself, as he hath sworn unto thee, if thou shalt keep the commandments of the LORD thy God, and walk in his ways.” (De 28:9 AV)

This verse is right in the middle of the blessings and curses associated with the law.  The LORD promises blessings for obedience.  He also warns of curses if the people of God walk not in His law.  Then He explains why.  The LORD desires a people so different from the carnal world in which we live, that He gives a law which will work to that end.  Being a holy people has an impact.  Being so impacts the world around us.  As they see a people who live differently than them, there is a definite response.  If Christ be lifted up, He will draw all men unto Himself.  However, there is a specific application here that we need to consider.  Two little words that should change how we view holiness.  Or the motivation for it anyway.  “…unto himself…”  That is the phrase we wish to consider.  Yes, being a holy people would benefit us as well as all who desire what God desires.  Yet, we are first and foremost a holy people unto the LORD.

We wonder what should motivate us to surrender to the principles of the word of God.  Consequences are a valid motive.  If not, they would not have been listed before and after the verse above.  But let me ask you a question.  Are consequences the best motive?  What if there was a higher motive.  What if, instead of consequences, we were motivated by love.  In other words, what if there were no consequences and promises of blessings did not exist?  Would we still live according to the law?  What if our actions affected the heart of God? What if we realized that God has made us for Himself.  For His pleasure (rev.4:11).  Would we be motivated to live as the LORD lives for the simple reason that it pleases Him?  This is one way in which the above verse can be applied.

There is a natural desire of which every child is endowed.  They desire to please their authority figure.  Whether it is a father at home or a teacher at school.  They wish to succeed to gain their approval.  That child wishes his self-worth to be affirmed.  The trouble is, there is a sin nature that competes against this desire to please.  Eventually, unless they are saved, that sin nature will win out.  The same us true of the child of God.  There should be a part of us that desires to please God.  It should grow stronger as the ministry of the Holy Spirit has His way with us.  As we yield to the influence of the Holy Spirit, our spirit’s desire changes from selfishness to pleasing our heavenly Father.  This is the highest motive for holy living.  That we might be a holy people unto God.  That we might please Him in all that we do.  That we might submit to His will because we have accepted by faith that His way is the best way.  I cannot get past that phrase.  Unto himself.  Not unto the world.  Not unto one another.  Unto himself.  May this be our strongest motive for godly living above all other motivations.  That we are His and He is ours.

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