Friday, March 20, 2020

Praise God for Counsel

Every purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war.” (Pr 20:18 AV)

Being a leader can be a lonesome job.  Often, we are tasked to make decisions which many may not agree.  There are other times, such as the challenge which lies before our nation and churches, in which many are inexperienced.  The last time our nation went through something similar was the Spanish flu of 1918-19.  I know of many pastors who scrambled to come up with a biblical solution to a global problem.  Relying solely on one’s self for guidance and wisdom may not be wise.  Having men with whom to share the burden is wise.  We just finished reading the book of Deuteronomy.  We learned Moses shared the responsibility to govern with seventy elders from among the people.  Moses also had Aaron and Joshua.  The early church Apostles also understood this principle.  Thus, the office of deacon was born.  It is by this support staff that leadership often gathers to discuss and make decisions.  It is this support staff that is invaluable to the office of the pastor.  Especially when he must wade through strange waters and make a decision that glorifies God all the while protecting the church.  To have such men who will serve alongside the pastor is a gift more than words can express.

In my thirty-six plus years of ministry, I have served at both ends.  For the most part, I served as a support.  As pulpit supply and associate pastor, the LORD often asked of me to be a support for my pastor.  When he asked me my opinion, he genuinely wanted to know.  When he was faced with a decision, he honestly valued my thoughts and considered them.   Having served in the Senior Pastorate for the last thirteen years, I cannot begin to put into words how much I appreciate the men which the LORD provided.  I can honestly say the LORD surrounded me with godly men of high quality and deep wisdom that made my job a whole lot easier.  We have had to wade through some very challenging times together.  From the dissolution of a work to a mass shooting at our local high school, there were times I could not survive without the support of those whom God provided.  But more than that, it is good to have many voices that will share their observations knowing the decision ultimately lies with the pastor.  It is this working relationship that creates an environment of unity and growth.  The Pastor, listening to the people as well as God, and the people, trusting God to lead their pastor, is the New Testament way of governing a church.

This system requires listening.  This system requires respect.  This system requires we value counsel even if we disagree with it.  This system is meant as a collaborative effort in moving the church forward.  A pastor would be foolish to take the reigns of the ship all by himself without a helmsman, a lookout, or a first officer.  By delegating specialties, the ship can go further and faster.  Listening to the lookout of a pending landmass or iceberg, even if he cannot see it, is wise.  Hearing what the first officer has to say when he brings word of the concerns of the men can only help the captain's effectiveness as a leader.  I will testify again, as a pastor, there is no way I would be able to navigate any waters without the input and prayers of the leadership which God has graciously provided.  I am truly thankful for the men of the past.  I am deeply grateful for Christ, Jon, and Ted who have wisdom which both challenges and compliments my own.  As we weather this storm, let us pray for our pastors.  But let us also pray for the men which God has given.  Pray for unity among God’s people.  Pray the LORD would guide us to effective ministry both among ourselves and the world which is taken by deep anxiety.  Together, by God’s grace, we will come out of this much stronger than we entered.

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