Saturday, March 28, 2020

Audacious Grace

He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.” (Pr 28:9 AV)

If we have been saved for any length of time, we are familiar with this principle.  If we ignore the law, then the LORD considers any prayer other than a prayer of repentance as an abomination.  One would think with all that is facing us right now, we would keep short accounts with God.  Note also this is a purposeful choice.  The turning of the ear is the conscious choice to turn from what God says to do one’s own thing.  This is why prayer from such a person is an abomination.  This is no light thing.  To say something is an abomination is to say that it makes God sick.  That is what the meaning of that word is.  It means something that comes up to the nostrils which cause nausea.  This is a bit different than regarding iniquity in our hearts.  The LORD will not hear us if that is our case.  The condition above is one more step away from answered prayer.  Not only is our prayer not answered.  It makes God sick if we even attempt to ask.

There is a word that comes to mind.  Audacious.  Imagine a child who completely ignores his parents' commandments.  A very young child, we may excuse.  Imagine this child is a teenager.  Imagine he not only lives in rebellion but when the requests of the parents come, he walks away while they are trying to instruct him.  Further, he goes into his bedroom, locks the door, and plays his music really loud.  This is not a one-time occurrence.  This is a pattern.  Then something happens.  After treating his parents this way, perhaps for several years, he gets himself into a fix.  He gets into a financial bind because he has gotten one too many tickets.  He faces jail time.  He is sitting in his room with the door closed and his music playing.  The mail comes.  There is a letter to him from the state’s Attorney’s office.  Dad slips it under the door.  A few minutes later, junior comes out with the chip of rebellion still on his shoulders and asks his father for several thousand dollars.  If he doesn’t come up with all the fines and court costs, he will be arrested.  He throws the letter on his father’s lap.  What do you think that father is feeling?  The audacity of this young man to presume upon his grace all the while completely ignoring and disrespecting his father.  How would you feel?

This is what we do to the LORD when we turn a deaf ear to the commandments and principles of the word of God then demand God show grace in our time of need.  How do you think God feels?  God asks us to pursue perfection, but He doesn’t expect it from us.  He does ask is respect for, and a pursuit of the commandments and principles of His word.  His word is a reflection of Himself.  When we ignore it or disdain it, we are doing the same to Him.  He expects us to repent.  He expects us to chase after the law and live it by the power of the Holy Spirit.  He seeks those who love Him and His law.  If we do not, we are being worse than presumptuous.  We are being downright audacious if we expect the LORD to show grace when we have no respect.

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