Monday, March 23, 2020

Our Expectations Will Not Cease

For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.” (Pr 23:18 AV)

Although the context of this advice is envy against the wicked, it is obvious how we will apply it today.  Surely there is a point to comfort when sinners seem to profit at the hands of the righteous.  This is Solomon’s point here.  Do not fret.  There will be an end to injustice and unfairness.  Then that which we have placed our hope in will come to pass.  This is a principle that applies no matter the promise.  We may have to endure but for a moment.  But there is a far greater eternity that awaits us.  There are promises of God’s provision, protection, presence, and peace.  Nothing which we will endure will separate us from these promises.  There will be an end.  Then comes our expectation.

No matter the trial of life, the longest it can last is a lifetime.  That may seem like a harsh reality.  But in the light of eternity, this should be a comfort.  There have been times when I didn’t think I was going to make it.  I remember the pain medications which the surgeon prescribed for me following surgery.  At the time of my discharge, the nurse told my wife and I to immediately go and get that script filled so that I could start taking them before my current treatment wore off.  This we did.  I started a regimen of pain meds that took care of the pain.  The problem was, it made me more than loopy.  I started imagining things.  It also affected bladder function.  This was a big red flag.  So, instead of weaning myself off, I simply stopped taking them.  I have never experienced such a horrible experience as those eight hours.  I thought I was dying.  My wife and son were terrified.  They called a paramedic friend of mine.  I thought I was checking out.  One cannot even describe the many feelings that course through the body when coming of serious pain medications.  However, it passed.   Before surgery, the doctor told me that with diligent therapy, I should regain complete mobility and strength.  This is what he and I expected.  After two years of recovery, I can say that he was right.

We have much expectation.  I expect to have a nature that does nothing but please God.  I expect peace.  I expect the divine presence as I have never experienced it before.  I expect perfection.  These things are promised.  Perhaps we can taste a glimpse of what it will be like, but we will not have the fullness of these promises until eternity.  But they will come.  They will be ours to enjoy forever and ever.  Seeing these things shall be, the question is, why do we fret so much?  Why do we lose patience?  Why do we lose hope?  God has not gone back on His word!  He is our faithful Creator.  He will bring it to pass.  We may have to deal with tribulation during our short seventy years of life, but this too shall pass.  Then our expectations will be our reality forever and ever.  All those trials of our temporal life will be forgotten.  Nothing but the pure promises of God to enjoy.

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