Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Sport Free Zone

It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.” (Pr 10:23 AV)

The word for ‘…sport…’ has the meaning of hollow laughter.  Shallow entertainment. A fleeting pleasure usually at the expense of another.  A pleasure derived for a temporary gratification which ends quicker than desired.  The fool cannot extrapolate deep and true happiness.  He cannot see the more valuable things in life.  He is out for the quick pleasure as opposed to that which lasts much longer and brings deep satisfaction.  The wise, on the other hand, understands there is more to life than meets the eye.  He is not out for quick pleasure.  He invests in returns that will last far longer than that of the fool.  He will sacrifice for something that cannot be readily seen.  He is playing the long game.  He applies wisdom because he knows it will eventually pay dividends far greater than the investment.  If he has to forego some immediate pleasure or ease, he does so.  He does so because he knows these things pass.  But true contentment and joy come by wisdom.

My doctor has instructed me that I must give up all caffeine.  Because of a condition, I run the risk of serious medical issues if I raise my blood pressure by the quick rush a cup of coffee might give.  This has been hard for me.  At least initially.  I have been drinking coffee for almost forty years.  Coffee was how I graduated from High School.  Coffee was how I was able to get out into the field and fill my freezer.  Coffee made life possible.  Now, I cannot consume any form of caffeine.  No coffee, no tea, and no chocolate.  It is all out.  Like I said, going from three cups a day to none was difficult.  To say the least.  To say that I was dragging is an understatement.  Now that I am completely off all caffeine for almost a year, I have to say, I feel a whole lot better.  I am more patient.  I am less erratic.  No caffeine crash.  I can get more accomplished in a day without the caffeine than I could with it.  The short term rush was replaced by the long term gains.  I need a bit less sleep than I used to.  I don’t need to wait for the caffeine to hit before I start my day.  Calmer nerved rule the mind and heart.  Sure, the rush of caffeine was great.  The speed was wonderful.  But the crash that came six hours later was not so much fun.

This is the idea of the proverb above.  The wise of heart would rather be disciplined so he can witness the joys of life than be reckless and miss out.  He would rather be somber and see his child’s first steps then to stay out all night with the boys, drinking himself half to death.  He sees the joy of watching his children walk the aisle as they graduate from school as opposed to pleasing self and losing his family.  He sees walking down the beach, hand in hand with his bride of several decades far more gratifying than a life of quick pleasures which robs him of future blessings.  We live in a world that tempts us to the quick and fast life.  Get all that we can get now for it may be gone tomorrow.  Spend hours on entertainment rather than build relationships that will last a lifetime.  Buy this.  Eat that.  Then watch all the commercials selling the medications you’ll need to overcome the consequences of all those pleasures.  The fool thinks it sport to fall into sin.  But the wise no better.  They know if they apply the principles of the word of God, they will reap joys that cannot compare to the sin which they avoided.

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