Thursday, March 12, 2020

Preferential Mercy

And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.” (De 5:10 AV)

God shows mercy to all.  In one form of another.  The Bible tells us He sends rain on the just and the unjust.  The fact we don’t get all we deserve in this life is a testament to the fact God is merciful.  However, there is a relationship between God’s mercy to those who love Him and seek to obey Him.  When the saints think of this truth, Romans 8:28 comes to mind.  It is evident there is more mercy for those who love the LORD than those who do not.  The LORD is a bit more tolerant of the errors of His people because they repent of their wickedness.  He is not so tolerant of those who want nothing to do with Him.

This principle is born out in our legal system.  Suppose there is a speed trap.  Two cars are pulled over.  Both drivers are given tickets for going fifteen miles over the speed limit.  Both have the same court date.  The first driver comes to court in ripped blue jeans, a t-shirt with obscene words on it, unkempt hair, and smells like a sewer.  The second driver comes with dress slacks and a button-up shirt.  His hair is neat and clean.  He is clean-shaven and it is apparent he showered.  The first driver, when called to the bench, was asked a plea.  Innocent was his plea.  The same was true of the second.  Then the judge looks up previous court records of the first driver.  She notices he has gotten multiple tickets in the past and is close to losing his license.  He has been fired from multiple jobs.  He has a record of misdemeanors going back several years.  The second has a completely spotless record.  He volunteers at a local soup kitchen.  He has stable employment and his address is a respectable apartment.  Which one do you think will garner more mercy from the judge?  The one who didn’t care one bit about following the law, or the second who made a one-time poor judgment?

We forsake our mercy when we refuse to capitulate to the presence and law of God.  We expect the LORD to rescue us from the messes we have caused all the while ignoring the word of God or showing no respect towards the LORD Himself.  God is very clear here.  He will show mercy towards those who love Him.  He will show mercy towards those who strive to live according to the word of God even if we fail from time to time.  If we will no honor the LORD, then we cannot expect Him to oblige us.  If we have no respect for the word of God, the house of God, the people of God, or the house of God, how can we reasonably expect the LORD to intervene on our behalf?  God makes promises.  These promises He intends to keep.  We forsake our own mercy when we disrespect the very One whose mercy we need the most

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