Tuesday, March 24, 2020

God Hears Man

And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel.” (Jos 10:14 AV)

What a tremendous verse this is.  Have you ever heard the phrase, “I’d move heaven and earth for you?”  This is literally what happened.  There were five kings of the Amorites who were concerned with Joshua and Israel.  And rightly so.  They had heard what God did for them in Egypt and at Jericho and Ai.  They were concerned Israel would conquer them as well.  These five men banded together and formed an alliance that went against Joshua and Israel.  As these five kings with their respective nations fled from the face of Israel, Joshua prayed the sun and moon stand in their place.  Joshua wanted more time.  He wanted more sunlight.  He wanted to strike while the iron was hot.  Joshua wanted to run the enemies of God out of town and avenge upon them the justice due them for the persecution Israel suffered at their hands.  When the word of God says there was no day like it or ever will be like it, it is referring to the fact the sun and moon stood still for an entire day.  What the Bible is not saying is there were only one say and one man to whom God hearkened to the voice of a man.  The question is, what world-changing prayer request are we asking for?  And, is God hearkening to us?

If we only realized just how much possibility we have in prayer, it would change many lives and ministry.  If we would only realize how much power there is in prayer.  The LORD tells us over and again the world in which we find ourselves would change greatly if we simply prayed.  I could take the time to tell you story after story of how God answers prayer, but I will leave you with a particular one that is simple, yet dear to my heart.  It was a snowy Friday morning and my youngest son was getting married.  A future daughter-in-law was headed up from a southern state.  She was driving through rough weather and she was by herself.  She hit a patch of black ice and lost control of the car.  She hit the cement barrier dividing the highway.  Her car caught fire.  I had her on the phone and had to talk her through what she needed to do to stay safe and get help.  We had her hang up and call 911.  Then she called back.  She was in a very rural part of her journey and highly unlikely she would see another car.  After getting her safely off the road and on the shoulder, we prayed with her.  There were no cars on the road and she could see down the road for quite a bit.  We specifically prayed the LORD would send her a car with a driver who would be willing to stay with her until help arrived.  Immediately after uttering the word Amen, a car approached.  God hearkened unto the voice of a man.

Much goes undone because we do not pray.  Much goes undone because we do not pray in faith, nothing wavering.  We may not be able to make the sun and moon stand still, but that doesn’t mean God is out of the miracle-working business.  Just because time doesn’t stand still doesn’t mean God is deaf to our prayers.  There are just as many life-changing miracles God is waiting to grant if we simply humble ourselves and ask.  God listens.  But God cannot hear silence.  He cannot hearken to the voice of a man that says nothing.  There are things God wishes to do or grant which remain undone or given.  We have not because we ask not.  We have little results because we pray little.  What a statement to consider that God would hearken to the voice of a man.  Next time you doubt God would answer prayer, ask yourself if the request is according to the will of God.  If so, then ask in faith nothing wavering.  He will hearken unto you.  Then figuratively speaking, watch the sun and moon standstill.

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