Friday, March 6, 2020

Sweet Dreams

When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee.” (Pr 6:22 AV)

There is an application that comes to mind which seems practical.  However, most commentators do not take this tack.  That is, the protection granted when we sleep is the natural consequence of obedience.  The keeping is seen as a keeping from consequences that would be present if sin were enjoyed.  For example, if the sleep, while he was awake, treated his neighbor right, he would be kept from harm that his neighbor might have inflicted had he not treated him right. However, there is another application which they are almost unanimously in support of.  Specifically, the state of our sleep.  Our quality of sleep.  Our dreams.  They suppose that keeping the law would also result in a clear conscience resulting in a good night’s sleep.  They suppose the anxiety and guilt experienced in the waking hours would not be present because the law was kept.  This view is supported by Proverbs 2:23-24.  The point is, if we want a good night’s sleep, we should try living obedience while we are awake.

I did a cursory search on what caused dreams.  There is much debate on the details of this search.  One thing is for certain.  The content of our dreams comes from the information we possess.  Our dreams involve a certain level of reality.  The brain needs sleep.  It is during this sleep cycle that the brain cleanses itself.  One such article states, “Now, researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) Center for Translational Neuromedicine believe they may have discovered yet another clue as to why sleep is mandatory for good health—especially brain health. Their report, published in the journal Science, reveals that your brain has a unique method of removing toxic waste through what's been dubbed the glymphatic system.  The clincher is that this system ramps up its activity during sleep, thereby allowing your brain to clear out toxins, including harmful proteins linked to brain disorders such as Alzheimer's for example.  What's more, they discovered that your brain cells actually shrink by about 60 percent during sleep, which allows for more efficient waste removal.” – Dr. Joseph Mercola,  In short, when we sleep the brain cleanses itself and organizes itself relevant to all that we have exposed it to.  Which includes the experiences of obedience and faith, or disobedience and doubt.  Our dreams are a window into our experiences and how we feel about them.

It appears the word of God is far more advanced than science will acknowledge.  The wise king Solomon tells his son that if he wants sweet sleep, then he should learn to live by faith and obedience.  Not that doing so will alleviate all disturbing sleep.  But it will go a long way.  I used to have a reoccurring nightmare whenever I was running a high fever.  It involved an ostrich.  I would be disturbed at how such a large bird could be held up by such skinny legs.  Don’t laugh.  I am sure your dreams are just as odd.  Suffice it to say, if we want sweet dreams, we should live following the word of God.  Doing so minimizes guilt, anxiety, and doubt.  So, how are your dreams?  Are they sweet?  Or, do you toss and turn at night over fears or guilt?  There is an answer.

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