Tuesday, December 31, 2019

She Is Praiseworthy

Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.” (Pr 31:31 AV)

The first half of the proverb is explained by the second.  Those who know her will praise her in public for the virtue by which she lives.  The gates are the gates of the city.  They are the gates of the marketplace.  This praise comes naturally because of the faithfulness of a godly woman.  But this was written to king Lemuel by his mother.  When she tells him to “give her the fruit of her hands” and compares it to praise in the gate, it is not hard to see she is telling her son he should praise his wife in the privacy of their own home.  The fruit could be material or financial compensation for the input she has to the success of the family.  Which would be right, moral, and ethical.  Seeing how Lemuel’s mother tied it to praise, however, lends us to think the compensation of which the virtuous wife is due is emotional and verbal.

It is too easy to take advantage of the blessings right in front of us.  We can take for granted those things, or people, whom the LORD has blessed us with and forget they are treasures bestowed by a gracious God.  Simple acknowledgement, compliments, and positive reinforcement goes a long way in the value one places on herself.  Lemuel’s mother is not speaking merely of her appearance.  She is speaking of all the qualities she had just listed.  Her industry in taking care of her household.  Her love and care for her husband.  Her effort in maintaining a beautiful appearance.  These and so much more are worthy of praise from her husband and children.  A simple statement of gratitude, acknowledging mother and wife for all that she is and does is a better treasure than the finest gift one could buy.

If the truth be told, we are lousy at this.  Husbands and children are not the best when it comes to paying compliments.  This is one of our greatest flaws.  If we are honest with ourselves, we would have to admit the LORD has really blessed us with phenomenal people as our wives and mothers.  Just the other day I had a thought of how special our ladies are.  I think the thought came because I was brought to an awareness of how difficult it must be to be a lady, enduring all they have to endure, and knowing I would fail horribly at it.  There is a lot that is done that goes unobserved.  We don’t see all they do.  We have no footing whatsoever to complain.  We do not deserve the special gift our wives and mothers are.  This may seem like an odd devotion in which to end the year, but maybe we can end the year by appreciating the one person closest to us who is also the most precious and valuable person the LORD has ever given.  Our wives and mothers.  Take the time today to tell her how much you appreciate all that she does and is.  It just might shock her!

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