Wednesday, January 1, 2020

All For Our Pleasure

And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.” (Ge 1:31 AV)

The Spirit reminded me of a truth that we tend to forget.  Perhaps we never mused on this quite the same.  We know from the book of Isaiah that God created the earth for man to dwell upon.  He created all that we see for His glory, first.  But He also created that we might enjoy the handiwork of His hands.  We are part of His creation, sure.  But we, unlike all other creatures, have the capacity for enjoyment.  We can look at a sunset and respond in an emotional and spiritual way.  When the LORD says all that He created is very good, it is our extreme pleasure to enjoy what He calls very good.

My father did many things right.  One of those things was to give us a deep appreciation for nature without worshipping it.  Raised in the boy scouts and innumerable family camping trips, we learned a lot about God’s creation.  Countless trips to nature-oriented places like state parks or childhood fishing trips sure gave us a different view of creation than most.  Each place the LORD has planted us contains the wonder of His creation.  There are several places which are my favorite.  Niagara Falls is one.  Watkins Glenn is another.  Secluded beaches on lake Michigan another.  There are the vast marshes of central Wisconsin.  There are the rolling hills of western Kentucky.  Seeing the morning fog in my last home of Kentucky was so relaxing.  Sitting on our front porch overlooking a pasture was one of life’s greatest privileges.  The mountains of northeastern New York are life long memories.  The Gulf of Mexico was another place of fond memories.

Then there is the zoo.  To see all those creatures with features only an omniscient God could imagine is a wonder to behold.  How the legs of a giraffe don’t snap under the weight is beyond me.  My favorite is the small mammal exhibit.  These small creatures fascinate me.  Their boundless energy and ability to remain organized and focused is astounding.  All these places and things the LORD has created for our enjoyment.  Next time I sit with my feet in lake Michigan, I will try to remember the LORD created that vast body of water that I might have the privilege of sitting in my canopy chair, listening to chamber music, and feeling the cool clean water lap over my toes.  The next time I sit in a tree stand and witness the wonders of the animal kingdom in their own habitat, I will try to remember the LORD created those things for my enjoyment.  Over the next few months, there will be blustery, snowy, and cold days.  As I sit in the warmth of my recliner and gaze at the bright sunshine as the wind whips the snow off a neighbor’s roof, I will remember the LORD created these things for my enjoyment.  How truly blessed we are!

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