Saturday, December 14, 2019

Divine Anticipation of Grace

And therefore will the LORD wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the LORD is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him.” (Isa 30:18 AV)

To set the context, the waiting of God and the judgment of God are one in the same.  The word for wait here is the same as we would use it.  This is not always the case.  Sometime, the word can mean to wait, as a waitstaff would wait on a diner.  Here, it means to stand by.  In the LORD’s case, He is standing by for the purpose of showing grace.  In His waiting, He is exercising judgment.  However, His waiting is for the purpose of showing grace.  The instruction for the one receiving judgment is to patiently wait for that grace.  In other words, as Paul encourages is from the book of Hebrews, we are to endure the chastening of God.  Rather than dwell on the chastening this morning, let us consider God’s grace.  The fact He waits for the purpose of showing grace is amazing.

One of the most precious moments of parenting was when I got to experience hugging my sons after I corrected them.  Specially if they appreciated the correction.  We often compartmentalize the attributes of God and forget there are all infinite and equally a part of who and what God is.  We think God is linear and acts in a linear fashion.  However, a God who is transcendent can act non-linear.  He doesn’t have to act in wrath or mercy.  He can express both.  To this point, we forget God is a God of grace.  This truth simply cannot escape the mind.  God waits to show grace.  Even if He is displeased with us and is forced to correct us, He waits for the moment He can show grace.  We err one of two ways.  Either we think God is all grace and no correction, or all correction and no grace.  He is both.  In fact, one cannot be without the other.  Some have a hard time thinking the LORD has opinions of right and wrong.  They have a hard time thinking God would make a fuss over what they consider minor standards, rules, or laws.  When trouble comes, it is fate.  All they see is the grace of God.  Then there are those who think the LORD is perpetually angry at them.  If they stub their toe it was because God chastened them for having an impure thought.  The idea of life is to live without sin so they can earn God’s grace.  Both positions are false.  Let us speak to the later.

God’s grace is something we will never fully understand.  Not if we are trying to live for the LORD, anyway.  It will always be a mystery.  But we cannot earn God’s grace.  There is nothing we can do.  Otherwise, grace is not grace.  Grace must be accepted.  Not to experience it, but rather, to enjoy it.  If we feel guilty, then forgiveness of self is necessary.  Appreciation for the goodness and grace of God goes a long way in fixing what is wrong with us.  If you are a glass-half-empty person or someone who thinks God will never be pleased with you, you may experience the grace of God.  It rains on the just and the unjust.  But you will never learn to enjoy it.  God is waiting to show you grace.  Right now!  He has an abundance of it and knows where and when that grace will come.  It will come.  Thank Him for it and humble yourself enough to rejoice in it!

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