Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Life by Death

And it was revealed in mine ears by the LORD of hosts, Surely this iniquity shall not be purged from you till ye die, saith the Lord GOD of hosts.” (Isa 22:14 AV)

This statement is true, whether it is death on this side of glory or the next.  Something has to die.  Sin has such a stronghold on the flesh and mind, only killing off that which is causing death by death is the only cure.  Realizing just how strong of a hold sin has on us is the first step in overcoming it.  Knowing that death is the only final release from sin is the cornerstone of overcoming it.  Physical death will come and permanent victory forthwith.  It will come in God’s timing and not our own.  The only death we can practice is self-death.  The death of the will and worldly pleasures to the will of God.  But death must occur.

There are many cures that require something to die.  Antibiotics attack an invader and kill it off.  Sometimes, a surgeon must ‘kill’ the heart in order to repair it.  He stops a patient’s heart, watches the clock as he repairs the damage, then restarts the heart.  The patient may be somewhat dead; or as the magician in Princess Bride states; mostly dead.  The heart must technically die for a short period of time in order for better health to come.  Cancer is treated by the idea that cancer cells must die.  Radiation is the primary manner is which cancer is slain.  Our own immune system teaches is that death must occur to bring forth life.  The white blood cells attack and kill anything the body determines to be a threat.  Life comes from death.  Victory comes from failure.  We may not like this truth, but it is a fundamental truth required to live for God.  Something must die.

Paul said, “Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.” (2Co 4:10-11 AV) Paul knew that in order to live in the perfect will of God, ‘self’ had to die.  Note also, Paul had this mindset as a permanent one.  If we are to overcome the demons of sin that haunt us, we have to crucify that old man afresh.  Day by day, moment by moment.  It is the only way to overcome sin.  Death.

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