Monday, December 16, 2019

Strength for the Weak

Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompence; he will come and save you.” (Isa 35:4 AV)

Not every believer is at the same maturity level.  Some have more knowledge than others and some have walked with God learning of God’s faithfulness through difficult situations.  Fear is part of life.  We are faced with situations beyond our control.  They are new and frightening.  In our passage above I see a beautiful picture of stronger believers being the strength for no so strong ones.  These weaker brethren are so not because of wickedness of heart, but rather, lack of knowledge and experience.  Not everything is a sin issue.  Sometimes, we are fearful or weak because we lack important pieces of maturity that would assist us through time of difficulty.

Part of giving strength is more then mere endurance.  Sharing strength is also motivating the fearful to further themselves.  This is not mere comfort while cowering.  This is encouraging through words and actions.  It is encouraging those who are fearful to continue and even commit more.  Sorry for similar illustrations, but it is what I am used to.  Years ago, I learned to hunt in the foothills of the southern tier of New York.  The mountain I hunted looked a bit spooky.  Specially in the dark.  There were bears in them there mountains.  Not to mention other critters of which I was not aware.  I can remember being led by my brother or father-in-law to the deer stand on opening morning.  Flashlights can do only so much.  It is amazing how much one can imagine even with the safety of a flashlight.  When sitting in the stand before the sun rises, what the eyes behold changed quite a bit.  What seemed to be a large and foreboding animal turns out to be a bush.  When ascending to the stand, strength was imparted to continue on.  It was not empathy that kept me in my safe zone.  Rather, it was experience and knowledge of another that enabled a rookie to get to where he needed to be.

We will be on one end of this or the other.  We will either be the one who is fearful and needs strength, or we will be the one imparting strength.  Ours is not to question the maturity level of another nor think ourselves unnecessarily deficient if we are in need.  This idea of mutual strength is well spoken of in Paul’s many letters.  Romans fourteen comes to mind.  There will always be those who are afraid.  It is natural and normal.  It is part of growing.  It is part of learning to trust the LORD.  It is part of life.  If we have been there before, then is it incumbent upon us to share what we have learned and be the faith for someone who doesn’t have enough.  Don’t let him or her cower.  Carry them on.  Fear will pass with the faithfulness of God.

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