Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Limited Light

Behold, all ye that kindle a fire, that compass yourselves about with sparks: walk in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that ye have kindled. This shall ye have of mine hand; ye shall lie down in sorrow.” (Isa 50:11 AV)

The immediate context here is comparing those in darkness yet trusting the LORD for light verses those who make their own light.  The picture here are those who are in darkness waiting for the promises of God verses those who do not wait and try to manufacture their own hope and light.  The underlined statement above is a statement of judgment on those who refuse to accept by faith the promise God has made.  There is no artificial light that can take the place of natural light.  There is no spiritual falsehood that can come close to the true revelation of God found in His word.  It is better to walk in a bit of obscurity waiting on the light which God gives than to create our own.

Growing up a Cub and Boy Scout, fire is no stranger to me.  We had to learn how to manage and use fire properly.  We learned out to start fires without matches.  We learned how to build a proper first.  We learned how to clear and prepare a place for a fire in order to protect the woods about us.  We learned how to cook on an open flame fire. And, we learned how to build bonfires.  The thing about fires is they can bring comfort, encourage fellowships, and share the warmth for all who gather around.  We had a fire pit at our last house and it was not out of the ordinary to have a little fire going in the evening with the family all gathered around.  We enjoyed one another company.  We enjoyed s’mores.  We even sang a chorus or two.  But the thing about fires is they are temporary and very limited.  They are only useful as long as you stay right by the fire.  If one wanders off, the light and heat become ineffective.  There is benefit to the fire.  However, it is temporary and fleeting.  One cannot walk very far in the light of one’s fire.  Only a few yards at best.

This is the point.  Better is the darkness with the presence of God than the light of what one can build for himself.  The LORD condemns those who would reject His offer of light and He provides in favor of creating their own light.  The wood will burn off.  The fuel will run out.  The ambers will grow cold.  The light which God provides is self-sustaining.  The light which God provides is eternal.  The light which God provides may come as He deems it necessary.  Which means we may sit in darkness a time or two.  But His light will come.  When it does, it will drown out the light which we could create on our own.  Walking in our own light will fail.  It cannot sustain itself forever.  Better is a little darkness with the hope of God’s eternal light than our temporary source of man-made light.

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