Sunday, December 15, 2019

Dialogue Delivers Divine Delight

The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD: but the prayer of the upright is his delight.” (Pr 15:8 AV)

How much do we remember the delight which prayer brings to the LORD?   What is amazing to me is we can bring Him any delight at all.  A God who is self-sufficient would seem as though His delights can be had from within Himself.  Yet, our wise seer rightly states the prayers of the upright delight the heart of God.  What an astounding thought.  There is something a person can do to bring delight to a God who needs nothing.  The fact He has created you and I with the capacity to please Him is something that boggles the mind.  The simple act of speaking with God in the right spirit and with the right motive is something that brings delight to the divine heart.  The question is, why don’t we do this more often?

There is something about a conversation with a little one that brings deep joy to the heart.  I have been blessed with four, and soon to be five, grandchildren.  I have fond memories of these young ones sitting on Papa’s lap, talking about anything and everything.  I have a little ‘thing’ that is my little thing.  It started with a table top book of dogs.  My eldest really got into looking at the dogs with me.  Then the next oldest was into trains.  So, he sat with me and we looked at trains.  I still remember that day.  It took a bit of coxing, but on my lap he sat and we looked at one engine after another.  Now, I have to find a dinosaur book for the next in line.  He might be bit too old to sit on my lap when we meet up again.  But I guarantee you, it will be equally precious.  The fondest of all memories I have with my sons are the conversations. Specially those where matters of the heart were concerned.  When they became vulnerable and trusted me with their worries, passions, goals, struggles, etc.  These times were so delightful.  I felt humbled they would trust me to that level.  Sometimes, they were not deep conversations.  Sometimes a conversation over a cup of coffee, a meal at a restaurant, or a ride to and from a hunting trip. A parent or grandparent knows the value of a conversation.  There is no other great gift a child can give his parent than a few minutes of conversation.

The same is true of the LORD.  He didn’t have to create us.  But He did.  And, He did for a reason.  He created mankind for the purpose of fellowship.  This fellowship is fellowship based on faith and trust.  This fellowship is the express purpose for our existence.  If we say we love the LORD, then why don’t we fellowship with Him more and more?  Why is it that prayer is such a chore?  Why, if we are grateful for all that God has done and provided, don’t we realize that merely praying to Him is the greatest delight?  Think about it this way.  There is nothing we have or are that we could possibly give to the LORD that He cannot create if He so chose.  Expect one thing.  Our hearts.  Our hearts are free to do with as we please.  He doesn’t demand it of us.  He asks.  He asks because He delights.  Like a father who sits in his recliner calling his child or grandchild to him with outstretched hands to lift him to his lap, the LORD calls that we might come and spend some time with Him.  This is His delight.

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