Monday, December 23, 2019

Of Comfort and Mercy

Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the LORD hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted.” (Isa 49:13 AV)

We hear much about God’s corrective hand.  We are soon to forget the comforting hand. The book of Isaiah is a wonderful book of balance.  Many of the Old Testament prophecies regarding the suffering Messiah and restoration of Israel are found in this book.  God deals with their sin.  But He balances it with His grace.  If we did not have the promises of God’s mercy, comfort, and hope, there would be not point to anything.  It is upon this comfort and mercy the contrite rely.  The LORD promises to rescue His people from their sin.  He promises Israel there will come a great Day of Reconciliation and restoration.  This is the God whom we serve.  This is the God whom we love.
I have a son whom we nicknamed Crash.  He was very accident prone.  He has more scares on his face than Frankenstein.  Each scar is a testament to a boy who played hard but was not aware of his surroundings.  Some parents may have gotten a bit calloused after the umpteenth time to the clinic for stitches.  The calloused parent may have uttered something he would later regret out of pure frustration.  Something like, “why don’t you watch where you are going?”  Or, “haven’t I told you a million times not to do that?”  Perhaps, “Exactly what were you thinking?  Or were you thinking at all.”  Maybe a, “well, what stupid thing have you done now?”  I have heard parents call their children idiots, morons, and much worse.  This is not good parenting and is that to which Paul is referring when he warns fathers not to provoke your children to wrath.  When my son added another permanent mark of life, we simply scooped him up, got him patched up, and loved on him.  This is what the Lord does.

I know are Calvinists friends will have hard time with this, but the LORD does not afflict man willingly.  He would rather prefer to show grace than affliction.  “For he doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men.” (La 3:33 AV)  God’s preferred manifestation towards the children of men is comfort and mercy.  Truth and judgment must come.  Otherwise, God would not be God.  Comfort and mercy are the other side of the coin.  The preferred side.  Take the promise above and seal it within your heart.  Specially during this wonderful time of the year, remember Christ came to comfort the penitent sinner and have mercy upon the saint.  This is the Savior whom we will be celebrating this coming Wednesday.

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