Friday, December 20, 2019

Three Little Words

But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.” (Isa 43:1 AV)

Three little words that mean all the world.  Some might see the possessiveness of these three little words as an offense.  They are not meant to be.  They are meant to convey value, commitment, and security.  Some may see the relation between redemption and possession and see the fact as being owned as devaluing the soul to an impersonal possession.  This is not the case.  These three little words might seem demeaning.  It is often preached the right of redemption as the right of a property owner.  Although we are the creation of God and He has the right to do with us as He pleases, this passage is not meant to convey this sovereign right.  These three little words are the most beautiful of all.  To the saint, these three little words are words that bring the ultimate in contentment, joy, purpose, security, approval, and affirmation.  These three little words sum up the total of our relationship with the Savior who gave His life that we might live.  These three little words should be held deep within the heart.  These three little words should dispel and attack waged by the adversary.  These are sound words.  These are perfect words.

One can tell whether an individual is ready for marriage.  There are restrictions to competing relationships that are natural and necessary.  There are certain liberties lost when one says ‘I do’.  For instance, there was a time I was courting a young lady prior to meeting my wife and this young lady had a lot of guy friends.  There was no romance or flirting involved.  Aside from the inappropriateness of these relationships, I was disturbed that she would have so many male friends while I courted her.  She made it plainly known these relationships would continue and I was to get over my jealousy.  I didn’t own her.  She felt she should have the liberty to continue her life however it pleased her without any regard to how it affected me.  She clearly was nor ready to be married and the courtship ended as quickly as it started.  I have counseled couples who are considering marriage and even some married couples who struggle with the concept.  A fella doesn’t want to commit to the restrictions a permanent relationship would require.  A husband resents the lack of liberty a wife and children bring.  A bride to be desires to continue pursuing life’s goals apart from what it would mean to her husband.  Or, she wants to place other relationships as equal to, or greater, than the one she is thinking of establishing with her groom.  These people are not ready to marry.  These three little words mean all the world and those who are happily married treasure them.

The LORD does not wish to establish a relationship on ownership.  Rather, His idea has always been a relationship based on covenant.  A mutual promise of exclusivity.  A deep and committed relationship wherein both parties treasure one another beyond any and all others.  These three little words are like a husband who holds his wife tight to his chest.  Not because he owns her.  Rather, because he treasures her.  He has won the blessing of calling her, his.  There are no others that can have her heart.  There are no others who can claim her as his interest.  All other suitors have been fended off and he alone stands the victor for a heart worth the struggle.  I am God’s!  And so grateful for it!  There is not a being ever created that can break this bond.  I am eternally secure in the love of an eternal God.  Satan, the world, and the flesh have lost.  I am His and He is mine!  Forever

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