Monday, December 30, 2019

Three Levels of Witness

I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence,” (Isa 62:6 AV)

It appears there are three levels of witness.  There are those who never hold their peace.  There are those that make mention.  And, there are those who are silent.  The question is:  which one are we and which one are we supposed to be?  Note a foundational truth here.  God has set watchmen.  This is not according to which one they will be.  It is precisely because the watchmen are set that they should not hold their peace.  The funny thing about watchmen is they really do not care how specific individuals might react to their warning.  They are there for those who will heed the warning, and even if the majority would reject the warning, the watchmen still declare the danger ahead.  The watchmen, because they are set, have no option other than to declare loudly, often, and faithfully.

I fear there a few who will not hold their peace, more who will only mention, and many who keep silence.  This is true no matter what the circumstances.  When there is eminent danger ahead, very few will get involved so as to change the outcome.  They leave it up to the few who are vocal to save the one in danger.  That is all well and fine when there are more who are vocal than the one in danger.  Imagine of a boater was getting to close to the point of no return as he nears Niagara Falls.  A few might shout from the shore.  There may be a Coast Guard vessel designed to approach the precipice of the falls which approaches the boat and warns of impending danger.  As we observe these event unfolding, we wonder what good our single voice might make when there are many others warning the boater in perilous times.  However, our reality is quite different.  The vast majority are in boats and heading for the falls.  Those who have a voice are few.  This is the reality of the gospel.  There is far more heading for eternal damnation than there are voices who will say something. 

Our view must be the opposite of a watchman.  The watchman has his eyes on the majority even if only the minority heed the warning.  He believes the majority will.  But our eyes should be towards all with a view to the one.  In the analogy above, even if one boater heeds the warning of the shoreman, it is one less life lost to certain and predictable death.  We will not lead the majority to Christ.  This is clearly stated by Christ himself.  However, there are still individuals who will heed the warning and avail themselves of the grace of God through Christ.  The bull horn must sound.  The declaration must be often and loud.  Let us not keep silence.  Let is not be content with mere mention.  Rather, let us not hold are peace because there might just be one that will respond.

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