Friday, October 25, 2019

The Perks of Obedience

Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” (Re 22:14 AV)

At first, this verse appears as though access to the tree of life and entrance into the heavenly city is based on obedience.  If this is the understanding, then there are contradictions in the word of God.  We know that nothing that defiles will be in the presence of God and we also know that God recreates all material creation in righteousness.  We further know that when the saved are glorified, they will not longer have the capacity or desire to sin.  So, if this is not a verse to teach that salvation is kept my works, then what is the LORD saying here?  The understanding is in the Greek word for ‘…right…’.  We use the word in a legal sense as one who has earned a privilege based on merit.  This is reinforced by the phrase ‘…may have…’ which precedes the word ‘…right…’.  But the Greek word for ‘…right…’ means power.  Not an entitlement based on merit.  Note the small word ‘…the…’ is missing just before the word ‘…right…’.  Not also it is those ‘…that…’ do rather than those ‘…who…’ do, avoiding a comparison between two groups of people.  In other words, those that do His commandments, beginning with the commandment to accept Christ as their Savior, have been granted the power to enjoy the tree of life and heaven itself because of the grace of God shed upon them.  Now that we have expounded upon this verse, let us find a more practical application for the saint.

It is often suggested that obedience to the word of God limits one’s joy and liberty.  According to our passage, reality is quit the opposite.  Looking above, we see those who walk in obedience are given the privilege of joy and access.  They (or we) will live in habitual obedience to the LORD’s commandments have be given the liberty to come and go from the gates of New Jerusalem and partake of the tree of life freely.  Let’s compare the individual who decides not the obey the LORD in repentance and salvation.  There is weeping and gnashing of teeth.  Furthermore, they are confined to a place call hell for all of eternity.  No place to go.  No escape from it.  They will be there for one reason and one reason only.  Disobedience.

As we have spoke of before, the oldest argument in the history of man is that God is not fair.  All God wanted to do was to rob Adam and Eve of the blessings of being like gods.  That was Satan’s argument.  He promised them liberty.  Instead, it thrust mankind into consequences of their sin which constrain our liberty more and more.  This reminds me of another passage.  “While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.” (2Pe 2:19 AV) The next time someone promises you more liberty in disobedience, remember our passage.  Only those who walk in obedience will enjoy maximum joy and true liberty.

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