Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Details, Details

But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.” (2Ti 4:5 AV)

This command comes directly after the warning of a generation that cares nothing for all truth, but rather, cherry-picks what they will and will not incorporate.  Paul warns there will come a time when a generation will pick and choose their preachers and teachers solely on the basis of pleasure rather than need.  Paul’s advice is to not capitulate.  Rather, Timothy is to watch in all things.  Not just the major things.  All things.
 Let’s face it, as time goes on and the passion of God’s people for righteousness and holiness wanes, the preacher is tempted neglect some of the finer points of holy living.  He knows there will be a fight.  He knows he will lose people.  He knows that if he takes issue with what others consider minor issues, it will drain him and his ministry.  He knows there are enough pulpits out there that do not stress personal separation and holiness that others who love their liberty will seek out and avail themselves of the so-called freedom they promise.  Paul’s answer is to watch in all things.  It is interesting that Paul follows up with watching in all things with enduring afflictions.  Just sayin’!  That which others call the little things are often the big things and the big things become big things because we neglect the little things.  Paul doesn’t make priorities here.  He tells Timothy that all things need to be tended to.  There is nothing that can be neglected.  All things must be watched.
 I love to cook.  The more complicated the meal, the more I like it.  I enjoy it because it forces the cook to juggle many different things all at one time.  One has to be attentive to all sorts of details all at once.  My wife and I are completely different cooks.  When I am done in the kitchen, all ingredients are put away, trash is thrown out, and most of the dishes are done.  Let us just say that when my sweetie is done, the kitchen looks ‘well used’.  This takes watching all things.  Seasoning the sauce is just as important as the meat thermometer.  Even though underdone meat can get you sick but under seasoned sauce cannot, both are essential to making a meal.  Cutting your vegetables uniformly thick may seem like a small detail, but when one sautés those vegetables and the thinner ones are like rubber and the thicker ones are still raw will make a difference.
 We have left alone issues of separation like gender roles, dress standards, and music standards.  Now, we wonder why we have the issues in our churches of gender confusion, immorality, and substances abuse.  The former are gateways to larger issues.  But we don’t want to watch in all things because those who are not mature enough or sold out to Christ will throw a fit that their liberty is being invaded.  Beware preacher.  Beware believer.  If you and I do not watch in all things, the little things will turn into big things.

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