Sunday, October 27, 2019

Be that strength. Need that strength.

Take his garment that is surety for a stranger, and take a pledge of him for a strange woman.” (Pr 27:13 AV)

This is a difficult proverb.  In reading several commentators, I gather the meaning is instruction for those who are disciplined to assist those who are impulsive.  Specially with their resources.  The meaning is something like this.  Take the garment away from a person who would loan out his garment to a complete stranger.  The loan is a naïve one.  The one making the loan does not bother to think ahead of how he would get his garment back.  He loans it to a complete stranger and doesn’t show prudence or wisdom in doing so.  The second half is like unto the first: take the pledge away from a person who intends to spend in an immoral and impulsive manner.  The mechanics of this wisdom is not stated.  We cannot forcible go into someone’s private life and remove any and all resources than may be used unwisely or impulsively.  We have no authority to control another person’s life.  However, that does not mean we cannot fulfill this proverb.

No matter how disciplined we think we are, those who are extremely disciplined when it comes to their personal resources is rare.  Very rare.  We are all optimistic and sometimes a bit foolish when it comes to the nature of others.  We want to trust.  We all are impulsive in certain areas of life.  It doesn’t have to be a strange woman.  It could very well be food, entertainment, leisure, exercise, etc.  Addiction are impulses that have gotten control of the majority of who and what we are.  We are always in one of two places at the same time.  We have discipline in some areas, but lack it in others.  This is how we can understand this proverb.  We need someone to help us control ourselves.  But we can also be that person that assists in another’s weakness.

Recently, I have been told by my doctor that I need some lifestyle changes.  These changes have to be taken seriously.  One of them is a better diet.  No, I love healthy food.  Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, etc.  Love ‘em!  I am not a serious sugar addict either.  I can take or leave chocolate.  I have yogurt, oatmeal, grain bars, or a rare egg for breakfast.  I skip lunch.  Dinner is whatever we come up with.  Now that my doctor has rung the bell, my lovely wife is researching diets that will help my situation.  If there was anyone on the planet that would probably no buck at a changed and more healthy diet, it would be me.  But I found myself having a hard time being told I have to eat more salads and less meat!  Excuse me?  I don’t have this discipline.  So, my best friend is watching out for me.  I need her to help me strive after better health.  We all need that person who can tell us we are undisciplined in a certain area and offer to help.  Be that person.  But be willing to be that other person, too!

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