Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Always Merciful

And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” (Re 14:6-7 AV)

Our God is not a God vacant of mercy.  No matter what the devil or the world tries to convince themselves of, God is a God of mercy.  The above event follows the martyrdom of the 144,000 witnesses.  The Antichrist will kill all the preachers, and then some, by the mid-point of the seven-year judgment period known as the tribulation.  Convincing themselves that all they have to do is destroy the messenger and the message becomes irrelevant and of no force, the world tries to extinguish the message of sin, grace, and reconciliation.  If they can, they believe God ceases to exist and mankind is no longer accountable.  They believe they will be free from a God who is almighty!  How foolish.  The passage above proves that God is not bound by our actions.  Kill all the preachers?  Fine.  He will just send spiritual beings called angels whom they cannot kill.  Why?  To offer a way out.  Even while judging the world for rejecting free salvation in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, the LORD still sends the gospel and warnings against rejecting it!
 There have been several law enforcement reality shows that have attempted to reveal the true nature of law enforcement.  One such program, Live PD, is such a show.  The cameras follow police departments while they are on duty and film the stops made.  We know that all stops do not go down exactly like we see.  There are some unfortunate situations that make the news.  But these are the extreme exception and not the rule.  Anyway, something should jump out at the viewer as he watched Live PD.  The professionalism of the police is something we rarely hear about.  What is also remarkable is the balance between enforcing the law and a true genuine interest in serving the accused.  For the most part, there is a respect given regardless of the stop.  It only escalates at the prompting of the perpetrator.  But, by and large, law enforcement desires the situation handled according to the law and in the best interest of both the accused and the victim.  There is still mercy even though the law must be enforced.
 Never let it be said that God is not merciful.  The world deserves the wrath of God for spitting on the free gift of salvation which cost He Son everything.  To turn their collective backs on the God who created them and then offered salvation when He was not obligated to do so, would normally incur dispassionate judgment.  But when they kill the 144,000, instead of going silent and eradicating His enemies, the LORD sends one more opportunity for reconciliation.  One more time to admit fault before God.  One more opportunity to repent.  If you are getting angry at this, don’t blame God.  He is the one extending the offer of reconciliation.  If you are full of bitterness, it is not God’s fault.  He sent someone to die for you.  He offered all that He could.  He is merciful and your anger only serves to testify to that fact.  God loves all the souls whom He created and desires desperately to save them.  But He cannot if they do not desire it.  Turn to the Creator before it is too late.  If you die lost, it won’t be God’s fault

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