Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Fight for Good

And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.” (Re 19:11 AV)

There is a difference between the warfare of men and the warfare of God.  The Bible tells us in the book of James why men war.  “From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?” (Jas 4:1 AV) Men fight and strive because they want something.  And, by the way, it is not always material.  People can fight because they want power, influence, or status.  This is why we see the actions of some in our government.  Warfare is not wrong in and of itself.  But warfare must in and for righteousness.  Righteousness, as defined by God and not our own value system; for that is the only true righteousness.  What the LORD returns, there will be warfare.  Very brief.  But warfare nonetheless.  This warfare will not be for conquest because God owns it all anyway.  This warfare will not be for power because God controls it anyway.  This warfare will not be for influence for the whole world already declares the glory of its Creator.  This warfare will be for the cause of righteousness.

In one of the documentaries on World War II, one of the veterans related how the Allies powers at first did not want to come to terms with the holocaust.  They saw Hitler’s war as nothing more than a war of conquest.  This American veteran relayed his reactions to coming upon the Jewish interment camps in Poland.  I remembered seeing all the human violation and destruction and becoming numb.  At first, it was surreal.  Then the horrendous nature of it overwhelmed him to the point of becoming numb.  He remembered forcing the citizens of the surrounding German towns who ignored what Hitler was doing to come to the camps, clean up the discarded bodies, and bury them with honors.  The comment that is often relayed is that seeing the absolute vile and profuse wickedness changed the tenor of the war.  No longer was the cause liberation or conquest.  It was righteousness.

This world has forever been in rebellion against the God who created it all.  It has rejected the commands of the Creator, turned their back on His mercy, and in the most stubborn of all ways, lived like animals.  This vile rejection must be judged.  For the child of God who is disheartened, don’t be.  This world cannot continue must longer without the God of righteousness waging war upon if for that very cause.  For the cause of righteousness.  Not the arbitrary definition of righteousness that comes from an atheistic moral relativity spewing from our highest thinkers.  Not the corrupt and perverted definition of right and wrong as propagandized from our electronic influencers.  No, the righteousness which Christ will fight for, and win, is His definition of righteousness.  The only true definition of right and wrong.  This warfare is coming and this warfare will finally and completely establish the righteousness of God on the very creation which He made and owns!  Glory!

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