Sunday, October 6, 2019

No Point In Arguing

Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.” (2Th 3:1-2 AV)

Knowing when it is time for deliverance is important.  The Greek work for ‘…unreasonable…’ is very interesting.  It is the negative form of the word that means to confine or a space that is marked off from surrounding space; a district, city, or village.  In other words, someone who is unreasonable will not submit to absolutes.  I call them the ‘yeah, but’ society.  They can reason in general terms, but refuse to do so, looking for any detailed application that lets them off the hook.  Young adults are masters at this.  They have the ability to think abstractly.  But decline to do so in favor of finding fault.  We could say, “the sun will rise tomorrow.”  Just to be difficult, they would respond, “Ya know, the sun doesn’t rise.  So, you’re wrong.”  We could say tomorrow is Monday.  They would respond that it is not.  Because there is some lost tribe somewhere that does not use our Gregorian calendar.  You know the drill.  When it comes to spiritual truth it gets even worse.  Just look at the argument over gender identification.  How absolutely rebellious and childish!  God made mankind, like almost every other creature, male and female.  He did this for several reasons; the primary being reproduction.  DUH!  But unreasonable men have now decided there are over 100 genders.  Just look at your birth certificate!  Your mother’s doctor can pretty much determine what you are before you’re even born.  DUH!
 What the child of God needs to do here is to be delivered from unreasonable people.  We can engage them to a point.  But there comes a time when unreasonable people can no longer be reasoned with, and it is time for deliverance.  These kinds of people are draining.  Mentally and emotionally draining.  If we are not careful, they will monopolize our time and energy to the point we have little to nothing left for those who wish to know the truth.  From this we need deliverance.
 A real-life experience was an opportunity we shared this past summer.  We were afforded the blessing of working with a ministry that runs booths at public events.  Our task is to hand out tracts and attempt to engage others in conversations that results in a clear presentation of the gospel.  Sometimes, this happens.  Most other times, it is having a discussion with an unreasonable person.  I must have had on my tee that said, “Please come argue with me.  I’m bored.”  One fella wanted to argue about drinking.  The old argument that Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding at Cana, therefore, condoning social drinking.  People like that cannot be reasoned with.  It doesn’t matter that the Bible defines wine as the juice of a fruit and in most cases, it is non-alcoholic.  Never mind that if Jesus served alcohol, he would have violated at least three Old Testament instructions, therefore, not able to be our perfect and sinless substitute on the cross.  We need deliverance.  As Paul said, “If they be ignorant, let them be ignorant still.”  Stop engaging people who cannot be reasoned with and do not let yourself feel guilty for desiring deliverance.  Paul wished for it.  Paul prayed for it.  I believe we can do the same.

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