Saturday, October 12, 2019

Faith in the Unchanging

Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath: That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;” (Heb 6:17-19 AV)

We will not spend the time to argue the finer points of God’s sovereignty here.  This debate has gone on for centuries, and quite frankly, has wasted energy that could have gone into more faithful service for the kingdom.  Suffice it to say, God’s sovereignty includes, yet is not dependent upon, the free will actions of free agents.  This is the only way to understand the sovereignty of God compared to man’s ability to choose.  In our above passage, the counsel and oaths of God are the two immutable things. The counsels of God are God’s plans.  Again, one might argue how God’s plans can include the choices of others and still be immutable.  Very easy.  If God determined that His plan includes the choices He (in His omnipotence) already knows will occur, then His counsel is immutable.  This is of a great comfort to the saint.  There are two reasons for our hope here.   The first is that God already knows what will transpire, will either cause or allow it to happen, and ultimately was, is, and will be HIS PLAN!  The second is His faithfulness to the promises He has made.  He cannot go back on His word.  No matter what.

In God’s infinite wisdom, He knows exactly what will happen.  None of it is out of His control.  Just because Adam and Eve chose to eat the fruit did not derail God’s plan.  He provided for it in the person of His Son.  The same is true of all of life.  There isn’t anything we will ever face that God did not know about before hand nor make provision for.  Even our wicked choices and the consequences thereof are part of God’s plan.  He knew we were going to be disobedient.  The persecutions from others are in the foreknowledge of God.  He knows!  The trials of life are all in the scope of God’s omnipotence.  He has caused or allowed them for His ultimate counsel and will.  None of it is without divine purpose.  God has a reason for it all.  We just need the patience to see it all the way through that we might discover just how wise our God truly is.
His promises are no less reliable.  When He promises to never leave us, He means it.  When He says that nothing can remove us from the palm of His hand and if we have placed our faith in the sacrifice of His Son, then we are eternally secure; he means it.  When He says that He will not allow us to go through a trial which we cannot, with His presence, endure; He means it.  When He says that He will make all things right in eternity, He means it.  When He says He shall supply all our needs, He means it.  When God promises, those promises are immutable.  They cannot change.  When He promises Abraham, Isaac, and David, those promises cannot change.  The Messiah will return and set up His kingdom to honor the oath made to Israel’s decedents.  These two immutable things: the counsel and promises of God: are an anchor of the soul.  This is what we ultimately hang on to.  God said it, He promised, and He will bring it to pass.

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