Friday, October 11, 2019

It Is A 'Creator Thing'

For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.” (Heb 2:10 AV)

The writer of Hebrews, more than likely Paul, lays the thought that Jesus Christ created all things by His power and might with the express permission of the Father.  Now, we know the scriptures teach the entire Godhead was involved in the creation of all things spiritual and material, so let us not split ecclesiastical hairs.  Suffice it to say, Paul shares with us the truth Jesus Christ created all things and by Him, all things consist.  In our verse above, the provision and means of salvation was coming from the Creator is becoming of the Creator.  Having created beings that express a will; and knowing the majority of those beings would choose to reject their Creator; and knowing they could not redeem themselves; it was becoming of the Creator to redeem them Himself.  Not just redemption, but redemption through suffering.  Not just suffering, but suffering in the nature of one of His created beings.  This resolve to redeem mankind by the incarnation and passion was determined prior to anything being created.  Herein we see the ethical and moral obligation of the second Person of the trinity to make all things perfect by the exercise of His own will.
 The grace and mercy of God is something which we accept and enjoy without fully understanding it and appreciating it.  For God to know before hand what needed to be done, and deciding to do it, shows a sacrificial heart as part of His nature.  Often, we think of the LORD’s sacrificial heart as something thrust upon Him because of the choices of men.  The truth of the matter is, God did not have to create mankind.  He chose to.  And, He chose to in spite of knowing what He would have to do to redeem them.  He knew from all of eternity that as Creator, if He created a being that had the ability to choose, then there must, of necessity, also be a means to reconcile that being.  Because the nature of a will opens the possibility of exercising itself against the expectations of the One who created it, there is the real possibility and eventual reality of the fall of creation.
 It became Him!  The moral integrity to reconcile a creation that would hate and despise Him, determined before He created, is a moral perfectness that we cannot understand.  Prior to you or I becoming a person, Christ was determined to suffer for us.  Before Adam and Eve walked one step in the garden of Eden, Jesus Christ obligated Himself to suffer as they would suffer and satisfy the wrath of His own Father that Adam and Eve, with all of their dependents, might have the opportunity to be reconciled to the Creator.  It became Him!  If not Christ, then who?  If not the Creator, then who?  If not the second Person of the Trinity who is the only person of the Trinity that can come in the nature of the created, then who? 

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