Monday, June 4, 2018

Work That Vineyard

“My vineyard, which is mine, is before me: thou, O Solomon, must have a thousand, and those that keep the fruit thereof two hundred.” (So 8:12 AV)

The opinions on this verse are all over the place.  It is common to read the one speaking is Christ and the vineyard is the church.  However, Solomon is the type of Christ in this book.  It is clear that Solomon is not the one speaking here because the speaker addresses him.  So, the speaker must be the king’s newlywed wife.  The vineyard is a gift to his new wife.  The other vineyards are hired out to keepers for a return on his property.  But the Shunamite has her vineyard.  Exactly what that vineyard is to us can vary.  One thing is for sure, that vineyard was hers to work and hers to enjoy the fruits thereof.

There are many things God gives us as a token of His love which are ours and ours alone.  Our families.  Our life.  Our ministry.  These belong to us as a matter of stewardship and blessing.  God does not give a vineyard that needs tending and work without also giving the fruits that come with that labor.  This is important to remember.  A gift from God often comes with responsibility.  We think of gifts like a Christmas gift.  A toy given to the child by which he can be entertained.  The gifts of God are more like the gifts spouses give to one another.  A new mixer for a wife.  A new power tool for a husband.  These gifts are by grace through love.  To enjoy them, they have to be used.  Being used, it takes work.

The church, which is more akin to the vineyard, is a gift from God.  It is a place of delight and edification.  It is a place where God speaks to us, where we enjoy the company of those of like heart and mind, and a place of escape from the wickedness of the world.  But, to enjoy the fruits of a church, it takes time, resources, and labor.  It takes foresight, planning, and execution.  One cannot simply come to a field and expect delicious grapes to appear all on their own.  One must plant, tend to, and reap in order to enjoy.  Remember, however, it is your vineyard!  Yours. It is the vineyard God gave to You and no one else!  No, work it!

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