Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Eventually, We Will 'Get It'

“The anger of the LORD shall not return, until he have executed, and till he have performed the thoughts of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly.” (Jer 23:20 AV)

One of the hardest things about being a grandparent is keeping up with the energy level of a disobedient three-year-old.  Especially when they are in circumstances that make correction difficult.  A public place or with extended family makes correction a bit of a challenge.  When Mom or Dad are not around and grandparent is tasked with correcting a disobedient toddler, patience begins to wear a bit thin.  But, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  Consistent and just correction is successful.  That child will eventually ‘get it’.  He or she will understand that grandpa or grandma means what they say and after repeated correction, will heed warnings and commands.  They will get it.  Eventually.

Israel has a record of disobedience followed by the chastening of the LORD.  Reading the Old Testament makes one wonder why they never learned.  Why did they not remember the lessons of the Old Testament when Christ incarnate appeared as their Messiah?  How many times does God’s people need to learn things the hard way.  Since that opportunity almost 2,000 years ago was rejected, Israel has suffered tremendously for her stiff neck.  Even today, there are headlines celebrating abortion and gay marriage in Tel Aviv.  Won’t they ever learn.  This obstinance will result in the appearance of the Anti-Christ.  According to the verse above, there will come a tipping point wherein a remnant of Israel will finally ‘get it’.

The New Testament saint in not immune.  We have those besetting sins that we struggle with.  Sin has consequences.  These consequences are often harsh.  If you are attempting to live in victory over sin, you have asked yourself the same question. “Will I ever get it?”  Disobedience and failure are a frustration that every child of God faces.  Just read of Paul in Romans 7.  We pray, seeking God’s mercy, forgiveness, and grace in the face of repeated failures.  We weep because we think we will never have victory.  We are no immune.  We are just like Israel.  But be encouraged.  We will get it!  It may take time and harsh circumstances, but we will ‘get it’!  It’s a promise we can claim!

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