Thursday, June 14, 2018


“To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye compare unto him?” (Isa 40:18 AV)

I was saved out of a religion that made much use of graven images.  Statues were more than a mere visual representation of what we thought the past was.  Statues of Christ and saints abounded.  However, they became a source of visual worship.  We knew they were wood and stone.  There wasn’t a person that actually believed these idols were a god themselves.  What they were was our perception of what Christ or God must be.  In this sense, those who use idols see no harm.  But there actually is.

Our human nature wants to understand.  There is no harm in this.  However, when we want to understand that which cannot be understood, there is.  Specially when it comes to the LORD.  There is no equivalent.  There is no comparison.  There is no representation that can come close to illustrating the reality of God.  In fact, the remainder of Isaiah chapter 40 the LORD speaks and uses His creation to compare Himself to something mankind can grasp.  If we could understand every single wonder of creation; from the depths of the earth to the uttermost atom of the cosmos; we could begin to understand our God.  Both conservative and contemporary Christians alike have made the same mistake.  Albeit, from two different directions.  The conservative has made God an academic object of study.  He has brought God down to his intellectual abilities.  God has become impersonal.  The contemporary has brought God down to the level of man’s lack of holiness.  God is just one of the boys.  He is all love and acceptance.  He is no law, order, and justice.  He is the laughing Christ.  He is the Santa Claus Father.  There is no academic study of God.  Contemporary Christianity has likened God to man.  Conservative Christianity has likened God to a book.

God cannot be likened to anything.  There are no adequate words to fully explain what and who He is.  In this sense, and only in this sense, can we truly worship the God who created and saved us.   He is a wonder to behold.  A God who controls all things.  A God who has no limits and a God who must be feared.  A God, who first and foremost, must be understood and un-understandable!  A God who is so far above our ability to know that He is unknowable is His fullest.  THAT IS THE WONDER OF OUR GOD!

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