Tuesday, June 12, 2018

He Hears

“For the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusalem: thou shalt weep no more: he will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry; when he shall hear it, he will answer thee.” (Isa 30:19 AV)

We know this promise is for the millennial Hebrew.  We know that in this life, we will have tribulation and trials.  We will experience the chastening of the LORD.  These experiences will cause weeping.  We will have to say goodbye the dearest on earth to us.  We will suffer financial hardships, health issues, and persecutions along the way.  These may also cause weeping.  This weeping will not cease until glory crests the horizon.  What we can take solace in is the fact that God does hear us when we weep and He will answer us as we cry.

Perhaps the greatest of all traits my mother possessed that I will miss the most was her strength and nurturing ability.  She may not have been able to remove the circumstances of the pain, but she had a way of making the pain seem far less that it actually was.  I remember the pain of my first real break-up.  BTW, this is why I don’t condone dating as the world promotes it.  Too many damaged lives come from playing with the emotions.  Anyway, when I got dumped, I was devastated.  It was more about being rejected than it was losing the person I thought I loved.  I had come over to see my family because I just needed to get away.  Without saying a word about it, my mother knew there was something terribly wrong.  She looked at me, read it in my eyes, and hugged me tight.  While the weeping and sobbing flooded my soul, she held me tight.  It seemed as though the stress ebbed from me to her.  It didn’t change the circumstances.  But her love considerably eased the pain I felt.

The answer may not be a resolution to the way we want it.  It may not be a complete healing.  It may not be the end of all persecution.  It may not be a promotion and raise.  Perhaps the trials of faith may continue.  God will definitely not remove His chastening hand if we refuse to repent no matter how much we cry out.  But what we can count on is for the LORD to hear us when we weep and answer by His presence.  God hears our weeping and crying.  He takes is seriously.  He may not resolve the situation to our liking, but He does hear and He does care.

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