Wednesday, June 6, 2018

God Tries it All

“What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it? wherefore, when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes?” (Isa 5:4 AV)

God tries everything He can to change the errant direction of His people.  He tries everything He can do to reach the lost with the gospel of Christ.  Where we need encouragement is to realize and embrace the reality that even if we cannot see what the LORD is doing, He is doing.  God loves His creation too much to allow it to be wasted.  He loves the souls of mankind too much to see them drop off into eternity without a fight.  He loves His people too much to see them backslide away from His love without fighting for them. He will do everything He can do to encourage the souls of men to repentance and faith.  Everything.

There are times when we give up hope on others and ourselves.  Will things every change?  Can God do something with me or another?  Is that person, or me, beyond reclamation?  How many times does the LORD have to correct a soul before he or she will learn.  The unspoken prayer requests given at church prayer meeting are often errant loved ones who seem to be exhibiting no interest in the things of God.  Either they are lost, or they are backslidden and in serious sin.  We pray for these knowing that God can do anything.  But what we realize is the LORD will not force a choice on the souls of men.  The only hope we have is that God will try everything possible to encourage a right direction.  When it comes to our own walk, we struggle over stubborn sins.  We struggle over our own shortcomings.  We wonder if the LORD can do anything to change who and what we are.  We fail to remember the LORD has been changing us all along.  We also must realize one of my favorite promises in all of scripture.  “The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.” (Ps 138:8 AV)

God never quits.  We do.  God never abandons us.  We leave Him.  If there is little or no change, it is because we have chosen to reject the encouragement He has sent.  If there is no change, it was not because of a failure on God’s part.  When we are down on ourselves thinking that we might be beyond God’s ability to change us, remember, He can and will change us!  He will never stop trying.  For that soul whom we weep for, remember, God will do everything He can do to encourage that soul to seek Him.  He will not stop!  He loves that soul more than you or I ever could.  Even though we may not see it, His hand is trying everything!

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