Saturday, June 2, 2018

just go around

“If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth: and if the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be.” (Ec 11:3 AV)

There are unplanned obstacles that should not deter opportunity.  It is just a matter of accepting the situation and going on with it.  Dealing with the problem and continuing on is how we get things accomplished.  There is no such thing as a perfect situation.  There will always be unplanned changes to the details of the plan.

Traipsing through the woods, one learns to adjust.  When the plan is to get across the valley or over the river, you just learn to deal with it.  It is what it is and it will always be what it is.  The years I spent in Boy Scouts taught me to live with spontaneity.  Find a solution and carry on.  It is no fun dealing with rain.  Trying to start a fire for cooking while the rain is coming down is not fun.  We learned how to make fire sticks.  We learned to come prepared with homemade fire starter.  We learned to keep firewood dry.  We learned to keep the rain running away from, instead of towards, one’s tent.   We trenched around our tent so the water didn’t run back underneath and soak everything.  Those who are hardy will find a way.  Those who are not will want everything settled for them.  Life just isn’t that way.

These things happen.  No one is out to get you.  It isn’t all about how much your life is more difficult than another’s.  Bring an umbrella and walk around the fallen tree.  You’ll get there!

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