Saturday, June 30, 2018

Permanence of Promise

“And the word of the LORD came unto Jeremiah, saying, Thus saith the LORD; If ye can break my covenant of the day, and my covenant of the night, and that there should not be day and night in their season; Then may also my covenant be broken with David my servant, that he should not have a son to reign upon his throne; and with the Levites the priests, my ministers.” (Jer 33:19-21 AV)

It would be interesting to see what covenant theologians like Mr. Anderson do with these verses.  The LORD is saying that as impossible as it would be for man to cease day and night, months and seasons, so too would the covenant He made with David be impossible to cease.  Man cannot break the covenant of time God made from eternity.  No more can man break an unconditional covenant God makes with men.  Sorry Covenant Theologian, but the covenants God made with Abraham, Isaac, and David cannot be canceled any more than you or anyone else can stop the earth from rotating.

Enough of theology.  Let us consider the more practical applications of God’s promises.  There are too may to consider.  The covenant of forgiveness says that if we confess our sin to the LORD, He forgives.  The covenant of eternal security states we are permanently saved and our relationship with our Father cannot be annulled.  There is a covenant of purpose.  That God has a purpose for our lives.  There is a covenant of God’s grace.  There is covenant of God’s presence.  There is a covenant of God’s provision.  There are many promises to God’s children and no matter what we do, we cannot cancel these promises because we are not the ones who made them!  God is the only one and He has promised not to.

How truly gracious our God is.  His mercy is everlasting.  His care is greater than we can comprehend.  His word is absolute.  His word is eternal.  His word cannot be destroyed nor corrupted.  When He says He will do, He will!  I have learned just recently just how faithful God is.  Even when we think we know what we are doing and the LORD has to rescue us from ourselves, God is faithful!  He is always near!  All we need to do is cry out to Him and He will be ever present!

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