Friday, June 29, 2018

Nothing Too Hard

“Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee:” (Jer 32:17 AV)

What a wonderful verse!  I wish we could remember this when the times we live in are tough.  The context mattes little here in the sense this verse can be applied in limitless sets of circumstances.  This truth is universal.  There is nothing our God cannot do.

My grandson, Titus, was wearing an awesome t-shirt the other day.  It was a shirt his mother bought him for Father’s Day.  There was a horizontal line down the middle.  On the left the shirt read “your father”.  Underneath that phrase was a really thin silhouette of a man.  On the right-hand side was written “my father”.  Under that caption was the silhouette of a body builder.  It made me chuckle because there is a precious principle in that simple shirt.  Little Titus will always see his Dad as the biggest and strongest of all Dads.  For little Titus, Dad will always be his hero!  There isn’t another man on the planet that could even come close in comparison to his Dad!  In this simple shirt lies the principle of our heavenly Father.  There is no comparison.

No matter what our situation is, it is not as it is because God is powerless to do anything about it.  He is not.  No matter what we face, our God is always greater.  We may not have things turn they way we want them to.  But this is not because God is unable to turn them.  Yes, sometimes they are as they are because we have caused the situation ourselves.  Other times, they are what they are because God sees value in us learning through difficulties.  Yet another reason may be that God’s plan may require us to suffer a bit for His glory.  It is important to remember that no matter what the issue at hand might be, it is not as it is because God is too weak!  There is nothing my God cannot do!

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