Monday, June 11, 2018

Grow Up Time?

Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.” (Isa 28:9 AV)

Those two questions are profound.  Those two questions are a challenge.  There are three types of saints in our churches.  There are the babes in Christ who need attention and are learning the basics of the Christian life.  There are those who have grown beyond the basics, don’t need as much emotional support, and who thrive in learning the deeper things of God.  Then there are those who never really grow beyond the emotional neediness of a young babe in Christ.  This question is for the first and last group!  Are we the type of person that has the desire to grow?

Thirty plus years of ministry has taught me the most difficult of all of God’s saints are the ones stuck in the ‘needy’ mode.  The high maintenance people who never really want to mature.  Those who are constantly asking for attention and never taking the time to learn so they might minister to other weaker brethren.  These are the saints that demand the most of your time and contribute least to the body of Christ.  God asks a question above.  God is looking for those who are weaned from the basics and excessive emotional dependence that He might teach them greater truths of life.

Years ago, I taught a Bible class of ninth and tenth graders.  I did this for several years.  There was one student in particular who asked a lot of questions.  At first, it was flattering.  But a few minutes into this, it dawned on me that she was raising her hand and asking questions a grade schooler would know. She wasn’t asking because she wanted to learn.  She was asking because she wanted the attention.  Furthermore, she was asking basic questions as a way of setting her own benchmark that I wouldn’t hold her to a reasonable standard.  If she could pass off that she was not all that intelligent, then maybe she wouldn’t have to work so hard.  This is the type of person to whom these questions are asked.  Are you the type of person that wants to grow?  Or, are you the person that wants to stay a babe and require attention?

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