Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Why The Turn?

“Then came Jesus forth, wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple robe. And [Pilate] saith unto them, Behold the man! When the chief priests therefore and officers saw him, they cried out, saying, Crucify [him], crucify [him]. Pilate saith unto them, Take ye him, and crucify [him]: for I find no fault in him.” (Joh 19:5-6 AV)

It has always astounded me that a week earlier, the Jewish people were laying their coats in the streets of Jerusalem hailing Christ as their promised Messiah and now they want Him dead!  What happened within less than seven days that caused the people to want Him dead?  It wasn’t enough they turned on Him and followed Him no longer.  Now, they wanted the Roman government to mercilessly torture and kill Him!  What happened?  Why were the people so fickle in their faith?  Why did the mob rise to a level of violence in such a short period of time?  Was it because they had become disillusioned?

Just one week earlier, the people came to the conclusion that Jesus was the Messiah.  They hailed Him as the son of David.  This was significant.  They were ready to crown Him king of Israel.  However, what they witnessed was anything but as political ruler ready to avenge the nation of Israel on their Gentile enemies.  Rather than a conquering king, they saw a man whipped and beaten. Rather than a warrior, they saw a servant.  Rather than a provider for all of God’s people, they saw a man stripped of all His worldly possessions standing before all the people mocked and scourged.  They wanted a King.  What they saw was a victim.

Saints and prospects place on God expectations which they have no business placing.  God is not required to meet all our demands in order for us to follow Him!  We follow Him because of who He is.  NOT WHAT HE CAN DO FOR US!  Peter knows full well that trouble and trials are the way of life.  Paul testified that problems would be the nature of the believer’s life.  A cleansing and trusting life.  Not a life of roses.  Not a life of untold blessings.  I dated this young lady once who was going towards the road of salvation.  Shouldn’t have been dating her, but that is for another blog.  Anyway, she was getting close.  They her seven-year-old niece passed away.  She judged God as cruel and unfair.  She never did accept Christ.  When we place on God the expectations that He will solve everything and life will be heaven on earth, we will quickly become disillusioned with what being a Christian means.  Have you turned on God?

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