Monday, September 11, 2017

Hell Bound Soul Winner

“Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father’s house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.” (Lu 16:27-28 AV)

While the rich man lived, he didn’t care for his own soul, much less the souls of others.  Just a few moments in hell has changed the wicked lost man into an evangelizing lost man.  What a few minutes in hell does for the needs of others.  It is sad to see that a man bound in the corruption of a devil’s hell is more concerned with the souls of his loved ones that most saints would be today.

Yesterday, I had the privilege to participate in a funeral.  A dear friend of mine passed away and the family asked me to be a part.  What struck me as a particular blessing was how much the gospel message was part of the service.  This dear lady’s life was defined by her love of the LORD and desire for the salvation of those with whom she came in contact.  This dear lady was concerned for the salvation of the lost.  There were three preachers.  All of us covered the gospel.  Each of us gave an invitation to accept Christ.  It was the main theme throughout the entire service.  And what a blessing it was.  There was some eulogizing.  It was appropriate and much deserved.  However, even in the eulogizing, it was expresses this lady’s love for the lost.  How refreshing!

Our churches encourage us to share the gospel with those around us and provide us with ministries and opportunity to do just that.  However, we do not need a church program to be an evangelist.  All we need is the willingness to obey and the love of Christ which compels us.  One wonders how effective of a soul winner we would be if we could experience the horrors of hell for the brief moment in which the rich man experienced before he was converted to a soul winner!  The rich man is hell is a better soul winner than most saints!

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