Saturday, September 2, 2017

More or Less, But Never the Same

“And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given. For he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath.” (Mr 4:24-25 AV)

The more we are willing to hear, the more knowledge God gives.  The less we open our minds and hearts to truth, the less the LORD gives.  It is that simple.  The more we fight the LORD on truth and knowledge, the more He withholds answers that we need.  The more we refuse to accept by faith that which God has already revealed, the less the LORD will ask us to accept.  If we fail to have the knowledge we need, it is not God’s fault.  On the bright side, the more we trust the LORD by faith, accepting God’s word and applying it, the more God give more light.

I have a son that was difficult to educate.  He was easily frustrated and fought learning almost at every turn.  He was a very smart kid.  And is a very smart adult.  It wasn’t that he couldn’t learn the material.  He just expected it to come very easy.  When I home-schooled him, we would have a time.  Specially with spelling and grammar.  He would fuss and fuss.  I remember one time that he got so agitated that he made an angry face, grabbed his own hair and pulled it, and growled at the problem before him.  His problem was more about calming down and having patience than it was figuring it out.  Once he was able to settle down, he became an ‘A’ student.  It was all about accepting the truth he already had.

It is a life long struggle to walk in the light as He is in the light.  I progress of growth that listens, accepts, applies, and does it all over again.  The point at which we reject what we know to be true is the point we stop growing.  That is the way of spiritual growth.

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