Saturday, September 9, 2017

One Side is Better Than Two

“But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house [divided] against a house falleth.” (Lu 11:17 AV)

Unity is so very important.  What we are seeing in our nation has been happening in our homes.  There are two sides and only two sides.  In our nation, it has nothing to do with the political party.  It has everything to do with godly values verses worldly values.  Sure, there are minor differences between the sides, but in general, they fall down on two sides and only two sides.

But what is true in our nation can also be true in the home.  As long as there are two sides in disagreement, there is weakness in the home.  As long as husband and wife are not totally together on everything, then there is weakness in the home.  The more division there is, the weaker the home.  However, to think that husband and wife would agree on all things completely is simply not realistic.  There will always be disagreement.  There will always be matters of opinion.  There will always be competing values.  That is the nature of our humanity.  We are individuals with biases and values and we do not always see eye to eye.

The key is to agree to disagree while following leadership.  Unity doesn’t mean that we all agree and share the same values.  This is impossible.  What unity requires is that we follow whether we agree or disagree.  It means that even though we may not understand or we may not have the same values, existence in disagreement is far better than complete ruin.  This is what our nation and families simply do not understand.  Riots over things that can and will eventually be resolved.  The first priority should be protection.  Protection of the whole first.  Then interests of the individual.  If the whole does not survive, then the individual does not either.  Unity.  Unity in our nation.   But unity in our homes first!

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