Thursday, September 28, 2017

Faithless Falling

“He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.” (Ro 4:20-21 AV)

One might think this not a totally accurate statement.  After all, Abraham did father a child through Hagar.  Yet, one must remember that was a result of Sarah’s unbelief.  Not Abraham’s.  I believe that to which Paul is referring is the offering of Isaac in conflict with the promises God made to Abraham.  The word ‘…staggered…’ is of particular interest to me this morning.

In our earlier marriage, Lisa and I lived in the northeast.  Where the snow blows five months out of the year and walking on an icy surface was a regular challenge.  Having grown up ice skating, walking on ice was no real concern of mine.  However, to Lisa, just looking at a patch of ice would see her falling to her backside.  It was truly pitiful.  The first time it happened was understandable.  The second time, not all that much stranger.  After the second time, I gave her lessons on how to walk on the ice without falling.  It didn’t matter much.  Visiting her parents was particularly treacherous.  Their driveway is on a hill.  Getting into the car meant walking slightly downhill.  I even gave her lessons on how to approach the car and walk safely on an icy surface.  That didn’t matter much.  I then had to hold her up while she walked to the car.  Still, her feet were not settled on the ice.  Her problem was failure was predestined.  She had no faith in what I taught her even though I have slipped on ice only once in my life.  Because I took for granted the safety of a situation, I injured myself slipping on a ramp of accumulated hail.  The point is, if Lisa doesn’t believe it is possible to get to the car without falling, she will fall every time.

Being fully persuaded is the basis of walking by faith.  There may be some unanswered questions.  There may be some obscured line of sight.  There may be some dark places along the way.  But one must be fully persuaded.

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