Tuesday, September 19, 2017

He Prayed For Me, Too

“Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;” (Joh 17:20 AV)

When Jesus prayed for the twelve, He was also praying for me!  Imagine that!  With Him, it wasn’t some arbitrary person, either.  It was an individual whom He knew would come to Him almost 2,000 years later.  Imagine that!  When the LORD Jesus Christ prayed for His little band of believers whom He intimately knew, He was also praying for each and every individual whom He knew would eventually repent and believe.  Not merely as a group of hypothetical people.  But real people.  Jesus is God!  He knew before the world began who would repent and who would not.   He knew before He set the whole plan in motion who would come to Him and who would not.  Therefore, when He is praying for those who would come to Himself by the propagating of the word, He knew exactly who He was praying for!

Meditating upon this truth should be significantly humbling.  To think that two thirds of the Godhead is constantly making intercession for me is beyond my ability to really comprehend.  Especially when one considers how much I have offended my heavenly Father by my wickedness and sin!  I remember years ago when one of my siblings deeply offended and disrespected our parents.  Your loyalty goes to the parents.  At least it did for the rest of my siblings and me.  We were greatly moved with anger that this disrespect happened that we, for a time, refused to have anything to do with this sibling.  Over time, forgiveness by all and reconciliation with all came to pass.  But it brings to mind what might have been.  Perhaps if we had been more of intercessors for our erring sibling, one wonders if reconciliation would have happened sooner than later.  We wouldn’t have taken anyone’s side.  My parents were right to be offended.  Yet, reconciliation is still a beautiful thing.  Like David and Absalom, David was in the right and need not humble himself at all.  It was all on Absalom.  But an intermediary in the person of Joab was needed.

This is what Jesus does for us!  He prays for us!  Just when we start to think our prayers are ineffective, we can count on the LORD Jesus Christ to speak to our Father on our behalf.  He cannot turn down His own Son!  Praise be to God!

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