Friday, September 1, 2017

Good To The Last Drop

“And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave [it] to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” (Mt 26:27-28 AV)

Don’t just take a sip!  Drink the entire cup of blood!  Not just one gulp.  Not until your thirst is abated.  Not just until you are satisfied!  Drink the entire glass full!  All of it!  Don’t leave a drop of that precious blood of Christ!  This fountain is all sufficient.  But it must be completely applied.  Nothing wasted.  Nothing left untouched.  All of it!

This is a great picture of the choice to receive the saving grace of the LORD Jesus Christ.  There is no partial acceptance.  There is no half-faith.  There is no blood plus baptism.  There is no blood plus good works.  There is no blood plus sacraments.  There is no accepting Christ then living like we never did.  It is all or nothing.  It is the blood and nothing but the blood.  It is all of it!

When the cup was finished, it was never refilled.  At least for that individual.  This cup was wholly drunk by each and every individual.  If they wanted a part with Christ, they drank the whole thing.  There wasn’t a second cup.  The blood was applied once and for all.  Complete and without a second application.  When that blood when into the inner man, he was remitted from the inside out.  This memorial service revealed the sufficiency of the blood of Christ and man’s complete submission to the plan of redemption.  All of Christ!  None of us!  So, drink all of it!  When you accept Christ, accept the whole thing.  No partial faith.  No jumping in only half way.  Drink all of it!  Rest in the assurance that your sin debt has been paid and there is no other sacrifice.  There are no leftovers that have to be applied again and again!  It was a one-time drink!  All of it!

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