Thursday, September 14, 2017

Grace For Grace

“And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.” (Joh 1:16 AV)

What a phrase.  Commentators are confused as to what this is particularly in reference to.  The only explanation that makes sense is the one that takes into consideration the next verse.  “For the law was given by Moses, [but] grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” (Joh 1:17 AV) Because the word ‘…for…’ starts this verse, it explains the last.  Specially the last phrase of that verse.  Which leads us to an interesting principle not taught or preached very much anymore.  That is, every dispensation has an element of grace to it.  God did not have to create mankind.  But He did so out of His grace.  God gave the law as an extension of grace!  The law is often seen in opposition to grace but that is only because mankind believed the law could grant them eternal life.  It never could.  What the law did was to point to Christ and give structure to family and society.  It was under these circumstances the law was an extension of God’s grace.  It only became a curse because mankind could not, or would not, see the divine purpose of it.

What the phrase above means, is that when Christ came, He gave more grace for the grace that was already given.  The law is still a gift of grace.  Without it, we would suffer untold consequences of violating the natural law which God created.  He gave His written law as a means of blessings regardless of our spiritual condition.  But to that law He added saving grace!  Praise be to the LORD.  Now, wherein we had the law given by grace but unable to live it, we now have the Holy Spirit indwelling within us, given by grace, that we might live the law given by grace realizing blessings by it!  Grace for grace!  More grace!

The contemporary saint believes grace is lived apart from the law.  The bible teaches grace is lived within the law!  The grace which enables us to live in the precepts of the law is incomprehendible grace!  The contemporary saint believes he can live apart from the law because grace annuls the law.  For salvation, that has always been true. Christ is the end of the law for salvation.  But not practical living.  Grace, for the ability to live in grace!  I feel sorry for the contemporary saint who lives as he pleases because he believes grace allows him to.  Consequences for choices made will not change just because of his bad theology.  God still punishes sin regardless of one’s belief of liberty and grace.  I would much rather have the grace that enables me to live by grace and within the law given by God!

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