Saturday, September 16, 2017


“And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him.” (Joh 8:29 AV)

These are the words of Christ.  They testify of the unity of the Godhead.  These words give evidence of who Jesus is by testament of His obedience to the Father.  We are not Christ.  We are not deity.  We are not equal to the Son.  But, what He testifies of is of practical benefit to us.

We cannot live perfectly.  That is, we cannot live without sin because the sin nature is our plague until death.  If we would successfully yield to the Spirit every second of every day, then we would be without sin and always do those things which please the Father.  Since that is impossible, we are asked to go to Him in prayer, confessing our sin and seek His forgiveness.  Herein is how we can always to those things which please Him.  If we could remember to walk in obedience and confess and forsake when we do not, then perhaps we can come close to what Christ accomplished.

But the phrase “…hath not left me alone…” is the one that spoke to me this morning.  There are times when we feel lonely.  Lonely because we are apart from the LORD.  We know that God had been nearer and more real in the past.  He just may not seem all that near at the moment.  One thing we should always consider is our obedience and confession.  Are they intact?  Are the active?  Are we really seeking to be obedient?  Are we content in our own level of holiness and lost the passion to grow more and more into Christlikeness?  Have we surrendered to the sin that doth so easily beset us, waving the white flag because we have given up the fight?  Do we harbor unconfessed sin?  Are we retreating into a hole and refusing to take any more steps of faith because the ones we have taken cost too much?  If we feel separated from the LORD, it is not His fault.  All we need to do is spend some time in prayer, asking for the LORD’s limitless mercy and Holy Spirit strength to renew our walk with Him.

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