Wednesday, September 6, 2017


“John answered, saying unto [them] all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire:” (Lu 3:16 AV)

Washing of the feet was one of the most humbling things one would do for another.  It was expected when entering a home as a guest.  A servant would wash the feet of the master’s guests.  What John is saying is that he is not even worthy to remove the shoes for the one who is washing the feet of Jesus.  Such humility is beyond exemplary.  Such servitude is more than any would naturally feel.  What struck me was comparing John’s self-abasement concerning his Savior with how the modern Christian thinks of Christ!

Today, the contemporary Christian sees Christ as almost a co-equal.  Yes, they do see Him as a Savior who died for their sins.  They may even worship Him as a god.  But I don’t think they really see Him as the God.  I don’t think they see God as God, but rather, as god.  In other words, there is respect lacking in the hearts of the modern Christian.  If Christ were to walk the streets today, He would be treated the same way as they treated Him 2,000 years ago.  They would view Him as a miracle worker, a great teacher, even a close friend.  But the respect of which He would be entitled as God himself would be sorely lacking.

How do I come to this conclusion?  There is no respect for God’s word.  The word of God is His manifestation of Himself and His will to man.  When so-called saints take lightly the word of God, they are doing the same to the LORD.  John the Apostle echoed the same words when he penned the book of Revelation.  The seven-sealed book was presented and John knew he was not worthy to open it.  Only the LORD Jesus Christ was worthy.  We are not worthy to sing one syllable of any hymn in honor of Christ, yet if we have talent, we feel entitled.  We are not worthy to quote one word of one verse, yet if we have an education, we feel we are entitled.  We are not worthy to scrub one toilet, yet if the need arises, we feel it is beneath us!  We are a far cry from where John the Baptist was.  In truth, we are not even worthy to untie the shoes of the Savior so another can wash His feet.  We are unworthy of anything!

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