Thursday, January 28, 2021

Time To Stop Running

The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.” (Pr 28:1 AV)


The benefit of living right as manifested above is peace of mind.  When we live wrong or do wrong, one of the fears we live with is being found out.  What happens if what we did ever came to light.  So, we are cautious with how much we allow ourselves to be put at risk.  We wonder what would happen if we made ourselves a target for others to do a little bit of digging.  Now, no one is perfect.  We all have skeletons in the closet.  We all have those things we hope no one discovers.  Those things that we have evaded and covered.  Those things which only you and God know about.  Those things for which we have sought and gained forgiveness.  Those things which God has put in the past and we should too.  We all have those things.  But this is more than mere mistakes or sins of the past.  This is present sin.  The wicked above are presently wicked.  They have not repented.  They have not sought God’s mercy and forgiveness.  They live in constant anxiety and fear that one day, someone will discover who and what they are.  Not what they once were.  The protection against this anxiety is living righteously.  Not perfectly.  Righteously.  That means we strive to live free of sin, but if we fall, we seek mercy and forgiveness.  Then we seek empowerment from the Holy Spirit to live after the Spirit and not after the flesh.

My father was insistent that we keep our accounts up to date with our paper route customers.  His purpose was two-fold.  First, the longer we allowed an account to lapse, the longer it was that we felt we couldn’t ask our customer for the past-due balance.  Some wonderful customers put aside their payments weekly.  When I knocked on their door to ‘collect’, the funds were neatly placed in an envelope.  Then some never thought about it until I came to ‘collect’.  Then they scrambled to find the funds.  Then some told me to come back some other time.  Finally, some went on vacation and never informed me.  They had a neighbor gather their paper.  So, I would knock on their door for several weeks.  When the ‘stubs’ began to accumulate, it was more intimidating to ask the customer to make their account current than it was to simply stop collecting.  I would pay their bill out of my tips.  Then, my father knew that a good customer made a good citizen.  He wanted us to collect on past due accounts so that we could drop a customer who was a problem.  All of this made for a stressful early childhood.  Confronting adults was not a comfortable thing to do.  But that is what my dad wanted.  As stated before, when I was too intimidated to seek payment, I calculated how much tip I had accumulated and would pay off some of the past due accounts.  The problem is, I had three other siblings who also had routes.  There would be a pattern of tips to fees ratio.  Comparing the other three routes to my own, my father could quickly tell if I was using tip money for something other than what it was intended.  Having gotten caught several times, I simply chose to hide the fact there were a few customers who hadn’t paid their bills.  This can be hidden rather easily by simply stating a certain percentage of customers had paid their bills.  No one had to know it was the same group of customers every week and there were a few that owed months' worth.  This bothered me.  I would even rip out the stubs and throw them away so my father wouldn’t find out I had lapsed on a few customers.  Living in a constant state of deceit is stressful!  Not until I confessed to my father what I was doing was I able to report every week.  Being the father he was, he went with me one Friday night and collected on all the back accounts I had allowed to lapse.

The point is simple.  The LORD desires us to live righteously.  He wishes we would live perfectly.  However, we have the old man to contend with.  If we are living in a state of sin, our anxiety level is completely out of control.  We run when we do not have to run.  Like Adam and Eve, we seek to hide rather than to fess up.  When the world brings up our past sin, we have a defense.  That defense would be in the mercy of God.  That is where our boldness lies.  But to live in contrariness to the will of God is to live in fear.  Even when we are not being pursued.  We live in the fear that eventually, we will be caught.  The only hope is to keep short accounts.  Fess up to God and those whom we have injured, seeking restitution and mercy, and we no longer have to flee when no man pursues.  Then, accept the account as satisfied and closed.  If the self-righteous decide to bring it up, then plead the mercy of God and let the self-righteous deal with it!  But for heaven’s sake, stop running!

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