Thursday, January 21, 2021

God The Sanctifier

And there I will meet with the children of Israel, and the tabernacle shall be sanctified by my glory. And I will sanctify the tabernacle of the congregation, and the altar: I will sanctify also both Aaron and his sons, to minister to me in the priest’s office.” (Ex 29:43-44 AV)


God is in the process of instructing Moses on the law of the tabernacle.  The LORD is going through the pattern of the tabernacle, the furniture, and the implements.  He is giving Moses the form of sacrifice and the priest’s role in it.  The LORD is giving the pattern for the clothing of the priests, especially of the high priest.  Moses is receiving the rite of cleansing which Aaron, his sons, and those that follow must adhere to in order to perform their tasks.  God is giving all these instructions of assembling the center of worship and the practices of cleansing.  They are very specific.  They are somewhat cumbersome.  If followed to the letter, the result will be a representation of God’s holiness to a lost world.  However, one must notice that just because the letter of the law is fulfilled, it does not automatically result in the tabernacle or priesthood as considered sanctified.  Just because they fulfill the pattern, purpose, and process of worship does not mean they are sanctified.  They are sanctified because God makes them as such.

I am shocked by my wife.  I thought she loved me.  I truly did.  I thought my heartbeat was her heartbeat.  I thought what I loved, she loved.  I thought she would follow me in every interest of life and be second only to me.  I thought my favorite foods would be hers.  I thought my favorite hymns would be hers.  When it came to sports teams, I fully expected this loving and endearing best friend that I vowed to be with all my life would buy matching jerseys.  I thought for sure when the game was on, she would root for my team.  After all, wasn’t that part of the wedding vows?  It should have been.  What happened?  She went along with it for a while.  She had a sweatshirt with my team’s logo.  She sat and watched the games with me.  And even cheered when they scored.  Then along came the kids.  And the in-laws felt my paradise had to be interrupted.  Low and behold my oldest and youngest felt the best way to get close to dad was to root against my favorite team.  The in-laws meddled and not only encouraged my sons and wife to abandon my teams, but went one worse.  They turned my entire family into haters!  My sons, I would expect.  Not my dearest friend who promised to be my soul mate.  What my sons and my in-laws did was manifest the true heart of my lovely wife.  No matter how much she wore the jerseys; no matter how much she rooted for the team; no matter how much she even wanted to buy me tickets and go to a game; her heart was never truly with me.  She could conform to an outward fan, but inwardly, she was a hater.

Sanctification is just that.  Sanctification must include outward conformity to laws and standards.  However, sanctification is not partial.  Outward conformity may make for outward sanctification.  When it came to the law, God demanded it all.  Not just and outward sanctification.  But an inward one as well.  The warning of approaching the Holiest of All uncleansed and in a state of impurity is a dire one.  The consequences of attempting such a feat only go to show the LORD is after complete, and not partial sanctification.  Thus we have the statements above.  The tabernacle and priesthood could be in full compliance with the law, but they are not sanctified until the LORD makes them thus.  And the way He did that was resting His presence on them both.  Paul puts it this way, “But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.” (Ro 2:29 AV)  The inward must be just as pure as the outward.  We can handle the outward.  It is the inward we have a problem with.  The outward is important and required.  But it does not stop there.  That is a job half done.  Only God can complete that work.

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