Sunday, January 31, 2021

It's All Good

She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.” (Pr 31:12 AV)


The writer is speaking after his mother warned him about the pitfalls of relationships.  His response to his mother’s advice not to give his strength to a woman is followed by a description of a virtuous and godly wife.  It is almost as if the writer is taking his mother’s advice, but is countering it with the fact that all women are not as the woman she warns him of.  I can certainly state this to be true!  If there has been any evil in my days, it was self-inflicted.  Strong’s Numbers says of the word ‘good’, “good (as an adjective) in the widest sense”.  What a perfect word!  There are so many ways in which a wife can be ‘good’.  There are ways in which she cannot be so good.  But in using this term, the writer is saying that a virtuous wife is good in all her ways to the benefit of her husband.  Yes, men, these ladies exist.  And I married one.

I don’t know how many more years I will be blessed with my dear Lisa.  It could be several more decades.  Or, not.  Only the LORD knows how many more years we have on this earth.  One thing is for sure, we have been married thirty-four years this year and she has done me good and not evil all the days of our marriage.  When I think of all the good, this page cannot be long enough.  She is my life!  She is more than my other half.  She is the completer.  She is the one for whom I arise from bed every morning, regardless of the circumstances, and look forward to the day.  The LORD has blessed me with more than a wife.  She is more than a companion.  She is more than my right hand.  She is the very definition of our lives together.  When I think of the good she has done the thing that pops out to me is Lisa being Lisa.  Her personality is as unique as a star.  There is no one else like her.  She is so special there will never be anyone like her ever again.  Her attitude is better than merely pleasant.  She is the bubble in my bath!  She is the sunshine that breaks through a cloudy day.  She is that ray of hope when I have lost mine.  My Lisa make me laugh more than cry.  She worries about me when she really has no cause to.  She had cared for me, she has held me up when I felt like falling, and she has always known the LORD can do for and with me more than I realize myself.  She had done me good and not evil ALL the days of my life.

When the writer states that a virtuous wife does her husband good and not evil all the days of his life, he is stating the deep truth that a wife is a good thing from the LORD.  She is a blessing beyond words.  When he uses the specific adjective of ‘good’, he relays that she is not merely good in a few ways.  Rather, she is good in every way.  I can honestly say this is true.  If we were to stop and take stock in the wife whom God provided, we can agree with the writer above. That is, if we have been the husband we should have been, then our wives would have followed our example and done us good and not evil all the days of our lives.  I don’t know what the future holds.  I don’t know what type of trials face us.  No doubt, Lisa and I will have to go through some deep waters before we graduate into glory.  However, one thing I know for sure.  I know it as sure as I know the sun will rise tomorrow.  That is, she will do me good and not evil all the days of my life!

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