Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Celebrate The Cure

Then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds alive and clean, and cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop:” (Le 14:4 AV)


How exactly these items were used, we are not told.  Some suggest the cedar and hyssop were wrapped in the scarlet wool forming a sort of brush when dipped in the blood and water sprinkled on the bird.  I guess that is as good an idea and any other.  This rite was for the cleansing of a leper.  When a leper was declared clean, this rite with two birds and the above items was performed.  It was done so in a public manner so the entire nation would know the individual had been declared clean.  The priest would examine the person’s sores and could tell by simple inspection whether the individual was still suffering or was now healing.  If the indications were his body was fighting back and he was on the mend, then he would be declared clean.  The above sacrifice was to be made.  What struck me by the Spirit this morning is the nature of the items above.  Cedar and hyssop are extremely aromatic and the scarlet wool was extremely vibrant.  Add to that the reaction of a bird set free that was held captive and dowsed with blood and water, and one gets the picture of a rite that was dramatic.  In the word of God, leprosy is a type.  It represents sin.  The rite that celebrated victory over this sin type was done vibrantly and dramatically.

Over the years, the LORD has brought my way a few souls struggling with alcohol.  Many of them needed to come to Christ.  Many of them had been through AA and for a while, it was successful.  There was a tradition they shared.  They would celebrate anniversaries of being sober.  First, it was weeks, then months, and finally years.  Some chapters gave their clients a coin, badge, or another memento to remind them of the victory which they accomplished.  These trinkets were designed to be a constant reminder of victory rather than to constantly dwell on defeat.  On top of that, the AA client is proud to tell you how long they have been sober.  That’s great!  We should always brag on the successes which the LORD brings our way.  Another is those who diet.  They step on the scale.  As long as the number goes down, there is a celebration.  There is elation.  Knowing that sugar or carbs lost this week is sweeter than a pound of sugar.  Knowing to liberty one has because a vice no longer controls us should be a time of vibrant celebration!

Jesus Christ came to save us from the consequences of sin; that being hell.  But more importantly, He came to save us from the control of sin.  One can only imagine what it must be like to live with leprosy.  From what I understand, this disease is a cruel one.  People can lose limbs.  They can even lose their lives.  They are pulled from society and placed in isolation.  They live in leper colonies apart from the rest of the world.  They are ostracized.  They are ridiculed.  They cannot have a normal life.  Once and only imagine when they were cured of this horrible ailment.  What a burden that must have been to carry it.  But even a greater release when declared clean.  Like that bird who sails off rapidly and anxiously, the care and burden of being a leper were immediately gone.  I remember the morning Jesus saved me from my sin!  What a morning that was.  I felt lighter than air.  My guilt and shame were all gone.  I had no sense of God’s wrath on my heart.  It was totally gone.  What a drive home that was!  The sky was brighter.  The birds sang louder.  The whole day was a brand new day!  What a sweet day!  This is how it should feel whenever the LORD gives us victory over sin.  There should be a vibrant feeling of victory that carried the day!  Celebrate freedom.  Freedom from sin!

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