Monday, January 4, 2021

He Looks When We Aren't Looking

And the angel of the LORD found her by a fountain of water in the wilderness, by the fountain in the way to Shur.” (Ge 16:7 AV)


The above verse regards Hagar.  Hagar was Sarah’s handmaid.  Sarah gave Hagar to her husband, Abraham, for the purpose of raising an heir.  Sarah was well past childbearing years and knew of the promise God made to her husband.  Figuring she was too old to be the other half of that promise, she had the idea of assigning Hagar to be a surrogate.  The result was Abraham’s first and only child at the time, Ishmael.  One can imagine this caused problems.  Hagar, being an Egyptian handmaid would still be under the authority of Sarah and would never reach the position of being a co-equal.  However, one can also empathize with what was going on in Hagar’s mind.  She was able to provide a male heir to Abraham.  Something Sarah could not do.  Therefore, one would expect her to be elevated in her status.  When she was not, Sarah and Hagar strove.  The contention got so heated, Hagar felt she had to run away.  Sarah did not dismiss her.  Abraham did not ask her to leave.  The decision to run away was all hers.  It was the wrong choice.  Ishmael was Abraham’s son and Hagar had no right to remove him.  Hagar was clearly in the wrong as far as her relationship with Sarah and Abraham goes.  She fled and left the blessings of God.  Yet, the Angel of the LORD found her.  What is even more of note is the Bible tells us the Angel of the LORD found her even though she was not looking.

Every boy either had or wants, a treehouse.  We had one when I was a young boy.  I cannot remember which of my brothers built it.  I think it was Chris.  Treehouses were special places.  These treehouses were places a young boy could go for a little privacy.  He could go there to figure out life.  Alone and separated from the world, he could contemplate how unfair life was but when supper time came around, he remembered how good he had it.  A treehouse is a place where plans are made between inseparable friends.  Treehouses are places a young man could get away from authority and do things he should not be doing.  Treehouses were also a place one could escape to when he was at odds with his parents but didn’t really feel the need to rebel.  He could go there and escape into his own little world of self-pity.  Dad always knew where his son was.  He knew what his son was up to.  Dad knew what his young man was brooding about something he felt unfair in life.  But Dad usually left him alone to figure it all out.  However, every once in a while, Dad would let this episode go only so far.  Then after what seemed to be an eternity, Dad ascended the rope ladder or into the fort, squeezed himself in, and sat in silence as his son worked it out.  Dad showed up when his son wasn’t expecting him and even though his son was at odds with him, he sat there as loving support to his son’s emotional anguish.

God found Hagar when Hagar wasn’t looking.  We cannot say Hagar’s situation was completely and all her fault.  Sarah had no business loaning out Hagar.  Sarah’s lack of faith put Hagar in this position.  Abraham’s lack of strong leadership led to Hagar being used as a surrogate.  Had Abraham put his foot of faith down when Sarah suggested Hagar as a surrogate, then Ishmael would not have been born and there would have been no strife between Hagar and Sarah.  However, all these things do not excuse Hagar from acting out as she did.  Sarah was her head whether she liked it or not.  And, there was no offer on the table for Hagar if she was willing to serve as a surrogate.  She was just as culpable.  The point is simple and encouraging.  When we are in the wrong and not particularly close to God, more times than not, He seeks us out when we are not seeking Him.  Even though we are somewhat in the wrong, He sees beyond fault and knows it is more important to reconcile than to place blame.  God is a good God.  He is the one that reaches out even though we are not aware of Him doing so.  This is the God whom we serve!

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